Ukraine and the U.S. are negotiating a revised deal over Ukraine’s mineral and energy revenues after President Zelenskyy rejected an initial U.S. proposal to give 50% of proceeds to the U.S.
The Trump administration, which presented the deal abruptly, has criticized Zelenskyy’s refusal, with Trump calling him a “dictator.”
Talks resumed with U.S. envoy Keith Kellogg, but security guarantees remain a sticking point.
The controversy has strained U.S.-Ukraine relations as Zelenskyy insists on protecting Ukraine’s sovereignty and economic independence.
No! Do not give in to this freak!
I hope it’s just making a show of being open to negotiation for PR reasons without any intention of making a deal.
Indeed. Zelensky is definitively the smarter one.
Smarter but also in a really tight spot…
I doubt he’s “giving in.”
What’s happening here is that Trump thinks he’s being a tough negotiator by doing all these supposed “power moves” of offering ridiculous deals and trash-talking his negotiating partner. But the result is ending up being the opposite - the US is throwing away all of the power it thought it had, Ukraine is showing that they don’t need the US. Each threat that Trump makes is a card he’s playing and revealing to actually be useless.
Now that the US has burned through its hand, Zelensky can turn around and tell them “okay, here’s my offer.”
I’m sorry but we really really need to be realistic here. Trump absolutely has leverage over Zelenskyy. I want Zelenskyy to win this war and Trump and his ilk straight up suck, but we can’t disregard reality just because we don’t like a certain group. Zelenskyy is in no position to “turn around and tell them “okay, here’s my offer.””
Maybe domestic pressure, some concessions, international pressure, blah blah blah can convince trump to stop being an idiot, but if Trump walks, it’s not really going to hurt his administration and agenda (it’ll hurt USA long term, but he DGAF).
“I will send 100 stone and 100 copper.” - Zelensky
Can’t Ukraine sign the deal, and then just say “we’re out of the deal”, just trump is doing with WHO, Paris agreement and all other deals he’s cancelled?
They could but then the US invades them and argues that it’s justified because of the broken agreement and everyone else just lets them do it
True. Fuck America and their current tactics.
Wait I didn’t know that was an option. Can he just offer some Crimean oil in exchange for all of their land back?
Added note: Americans go to war over oil. It’s a proven fact.
America for a long time wanted cheap oil, so we (USA, I’m American) invade Iraq, Iraq pumps out cheap oil and we win.
Now, with fracking and national insulation high oil prices aren’t as high of a concern. And if the right money has trump’s ear, well… high oil prices might be “good” from his POV.
Tell that to his ill advised Drill Baby Drill chant. I’m not convinced real life impacts his decisions.
That’s drill American oil. But, his decision making process at least during his first term often came down to who made the last halfway decent argument lol.
Mr Mafia Tactics Donny