Ah fuck. This one is going to hit a kind person I know.
Several of my own coworkers :/ We’ve got less than a month till shutdown/furlough deadline too, its so fucked.
People smarter, more productive, and more important than me, are going to lose their jobs for the sole fact that I have been employed for 3+ years as a fed, and they haven’t.
And many of them will seek employment elsewhere in the world, and that knowledge will be lost to us forever. Good stuff.
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You may want to take a break from viewing political content if this is your honest thoughts.
Many people working in federal government have done so for multiple years, and multiple presidents, why would they be considered as a “magat”?
It’s like we’ve come full circle to the GOP for decades sowing the seed of “you can’t trust government” for someone seemingly on the other side having the same sentiment. Again, if that’s your honest belief, consider their objective won, you’re in less control of yourself than you think.
Believe it or not, people of all sorts of political views are civilian DoD workers.
Referring to human beings as insects is dehumanization which is a tactic of fascism.
In the future try calling DOD employees:
child murderers
lay abouts
bench warmers
Shockingly, it may not be advisable to disrupt a large number of people and their ability to live. This may result in a large number of people unable to locate equivalent employment/compensation. Then you have a base of people with idle time, resentment for the administration, and nothing left to lose.
Probably the plan…piss off as many as you can, force them to start an uprising and violence, justify using physical force and create your new military/police and start slaughtering people until they comply.
i hope they would call these “dismissals”. Because like that, it sounds like “firing squads”
They’re claiming that the people are being let go for poor performance in their termination letters, presumably for legal reasons, so I guess that they technically qualify as firings.
But, I mean, that’s not what’s actually driving this – they’re just getting rid of people who they can get rid of without regard for performance – so I’d use the term “layoffs” myself.
“layoffs”, yes, this is good terminology for me as well … in my view, it removes the dreadful impression given by the word “firing”.
SGEs are forbidden from this kind of conflict of interest. Wonder how they will spin this.