• volodya_ilich@lemm.ee
    20 days ago

    “Holodomor” is a newly coined term to categorize a famine as a genocide. A famine took place in the early 30s in the USSR as a consequence of failures during THE FIRST ATTEMPT IN HISTORY of collectivizing agriculture, which led to millions of deaths both inside and outside Ukraine. You guys never mention the deaths in Central Asia and in Russia proper, because it’s not convenient to your narrative.

    The reality is that while there was a famine in the USSR, and it disproportionately affected Ukraine, there is simply no evidence to talk of intent. The dekulakization process was a difficult period of Soviet history, but the famine took place between 1930 and 1933 and largely disappeared afterwards, with no other such event in Ukrainian history happening ever after during Soviet rule. There is no motive against Ukrainians (a worker’s state killing workers isn’t a smart thing), there is no evidence of motive, and there is no evidence of intentionality, calling the USSR famine of 1930 “Holodomor” is (a western manufacture)[https://books.google.com/ngrams/graph?content=Holodomor&year_start=1800&year_end=2022&corpus=en&smoothing=3] of atrocity propaganda against communism, and to boost russophobia. The famine was a disaster and a failure of soviet policy, but calling it “genocide”, or saying that it was targeted against Ukrainians, is simply insulting.

    The Soviet Union, like it or not, saved Ukraine from the Russian Empire, and later from the Nazi invasion. The number of people who died in famines pales with the millions of lives that were saved from Nazi occupation and the ensuing extermination of the Slavic “untermenschen”, had there been not a Soviet Union there would simply be no Ukraine to speak of right now.

    Look, you accuse me of not reading

    That’s because you haven’t, your entire analysis is vibes-based, and the only references that you could possibly point towards in these topics are reddit/.world comments that you’ve read and assimilated because they’re compatible with your US State Department propaganda anticommunist views.

    When a government forceful controls others, its imperialism

    When an actually-existing socialist state ensures a degree of homogeneity in policy and objectives in its area of influence, it’s not called imperialism, it’s called geopolitics, which are a sad truth of class war. But sure, keep praising leaders who achieved absolutely nothing because they were killed as soon as they were about to enact the slightest socialist policy. Go on, suck off Allende’s cock (who resulted in Pinochet), the Spanish Second Republic (which resulted in Franco), and your dear Swedish loser whose movement and ideas were so grassroots that they died with him. Because to you anticommunist leftists, the only valid leftist movements are those that die prematurely and don’t have to face real-world conditions. You compare theory with reality, and when the dire reality of class war doesn’t adequate to your moralism, you reject it.

    • FinnFooted@lemmy.world
      20 days ago

      Non intentional genocides and sad truths are lame excuses for an authoritarian regime that took away the autonomy of other nations and caused disproportional death of those they were trying to control.

      Sweden made rapid advances in social welfare and programs under Olof. Sorry he didn’t subjugate enough people for you to feel like it was good socialism. Enjoy the boot but be careful because it doesn’t just stomp on the people you think deserve it.

      • volodya_ilich@lemm.ee
        20 days ago

        Non intentional genocides

        Imagine not knowing what genocide means.

        caused disproportional death

        The USSR saved tens of millions of lives. The life expectancy in imperial Russia was around 30, by the 50s it as 60, and they stopped Nazism which would have genocided as many Slavs as they possibly could.

        Olof. Sorry he didn’t subjugate enough

        Oh wow, a western leftist who doesn’t understand unequal exchange, imperialism, and the yoke that Europe imposes on the global south, colour me surprised. Well, maybe I’m being too generous, and you just don’t care about the lives of the Asians and the browns that die in the plantations and factories of the products your perfect social democracy consumes!

        • FinnFooted@lemmy.world
          20 days ago

          Imaging not understanding sarcasm. It’s rich to say I don’t care about people who die when you’re the one cherry picking which genocides to support.

          • volodya_ilich@lemm.ee
            20 days ago

            It’s honestly disgusting that you go talking about “genocides” that you have absolutely done 0 research on, using numbers as a political tool and comparing unintended famine deaths to actual genocide such as Holocaust or Gaza.

            Thanks for not answering to the rest of the comment though, you obviously can’t argue against the USSR saving millions of lives and your lack of care for the oppressed in the global south

            • FinnFooted@lemmy.world
              20 days ago

              Its honestly disgusting how much you try to explain away disproportionate grain quotas so much that you mass starve the very people producing your food and are conveniently also trying to subjugate as unintentional. I’m sure you have lovely things to say about the Irish potato famine as not being genocide too. It’s only genocide when checks notes the imperialists I don’t like do it.

              Genocide doesn’t have to be sophisticated, systematic, and performed with guns to be effective. I didn’t compare this situation to the holocaust for a reason.

              Intent is a wishy washy excuse when the reality is targeted death of a specific subjugated people. It’s how everyone tries to weasel out of being accused of genocide. Israel doesn’t want to kill all of the Palestinians. Its not their intent. They just want the land and mass Palestinian death is just an unintended side effect. If I roll my eyes any harder I’ll lose them to the back of my head.

              but lets look to Raphael Lemkin who is the one credited with coming up with the term genocide:

              What I want to speak about is perhaps the classic example of Soviet genocide, its longest and broadest experiment in Russification — the destruction of the Ukrainian nation

              • volodya_ilich@lemm.ee
                20 days ago

                The fact that you speak of Ukrainians as “people to subjugate” really tells of how little understanding you have of the topic. Comparing a historically colonial region like Ireland, to an area literally liberated and given a nationality, borders, education in their language and press in their language such as Ukraine, is absurd. You have no fucking idea what imperialism is, and it shows very severely. Go read a book lmao

                Ukraine was literally saved from Nazism and from Russian/Polish imperialism by the USSR, but you’re a fake socialist who’s never read a fucking book, who glorifies useless leaders who never got to power and never had to face the realities of class war, and replicates US state department propaganda

                • FinnFooted@lemmy.world
                  20 days ago

                  OK genocide apologist.

                  Forcing a people to be part of your system against their wishes is subjugation. The Ukrainians wanted independence. They literally fought for it and lost. Excusing genocide because there was some bonus education is disgusting. Excusing imperialism because you like the perks makes you an imperialist.

                  • volodya_ilich@lemm.ee
                    20 days ago

                    Forcing a people to be part of your system against their wishes

                    Source: Ukrainian nationalist propaganda.

                    The Ukrainians wanted independence. They literally fought for it and lost

                    A part of the population in a small region of Ukraine wanted anarchism, and was promptly defeated by communists in the context of a civil war against fascism because anarchy doesn’t work. Ukrainians should thank the soviets for the ensuing industrialisation that allowed the defeat of the Nazis, a sparse set of agricultural communes would have been exterminated by Nazis. Anarchists simply don’t understand this, and refuse to understand the historical and material conditions that surround them in favour of idealism, which is why their projects don’t live long enough to see widespread adoption anywhere.

                    Excusing genocide

                    The lack of prior attempts, the lack or motives, the lack of intent, the fact that it was a famine in a particular event of land collectivisation, and the fact that there was no continuation over time, prove it wasn’t a genocide. I’m not excusing genocide because there wasn’t, I’m criticising poor collectivisation policy which led to famine both inside and outside Ukraine.

                    Excusing imperialism

                    Consolidating socialism in a region isn’t imperialism, which you’d know, again, if you had read any socialist literature. But you’d rather go with your vibes-based Reddit leftism.