Electric cars are indeed much worse for the climate at production time than combustion cars likely will be throughout their entire lifetime.
But this matters little, as the electric car is not made to be the perfect alternative, it is instead made to be the “weird in between solution” that we need to bring as many devices as possible to use a common power source and get people acquainted with the concept, before moving to the actual solution.
The next steps will be better battery technology because, let’s face it, lithium gel batteries suck, and proper power sources.
In the end, I guess it’s kind of a “chicken and egg” situation.
So you want to keep drilling for oil forever? Oil wells, pipe lines, refineries, more pipes, trucks carrying liquid fuel… when you could just get rid of all that and have renewable powered cars?
There’s a brief window where if you look at it from a very careful angle ICE is briefly better in some ways than electric, long term electric is the only option.
Electric cars are indeed much worse for the climate at production time than combustion cars likely will be throughout their entire lifetime.
But this matters little, as the electric car is not made to be the perfect alternative, it is instead made to be the “weird in between solution” that we need to bring as many devices as possible to use a common power source and get people acquainted with the concept, before moving to the actual solution.
The next steps will be better battery technology because, let’s face it, lithium gel batteries suck, and proper power sources.
In the end, I guess it’s kind of a “chicken and egg” situation.
Break even point is currently around 13k miles though it depends on where you live.
And that’s not even counting the growing market of battery recyclers.
I found this analysis quite interesting:
I’d argue trains are the solution for most city applications.
Rural areas can keep ICE’s if cities of tens of millions dispense themselves of cars.
So you want to keep drilling for oil forever? Oil wells, pipe lines, refineries, more pipes, trucks carrying liquid fuel… when you could just get rid of all that and have renewable powered cars?
There’s a brief window where if you look at it from a very careful angle ICE is briefly better in some ways than electric, long term electric is the only option.