Following up on some comments in the recent meta thread, I decided to be the change I want to see in the world and create a place to talk about anime that aren’t actively airing.
I plan on making these posts regularly going forward on Mondays as they normally suck for most people that work M-F, so why not try to make them a little bit better? Also, in the process of making this post, I found out that there is an ISO standard that says weeks start on Monday rather than Sunday. TIL!
Just a reminder to tag your spoilers.
I still have 2-3 eps from the Box guy (Am I the strongest). I started the manga last year, so I knew the plot, but disn’t follow up until I finish the anime…
Yeah, the show was frustrating to me. I actually feel like it could have been good, but the pacing felt way off. You can see a previous rant of mine on an episode discussion thread, but the adaptation’s pacing felt super inconsistent. Props for having one of the best little sister characters in a while though.
“If I can’t watch anime, then there’s nothing for me to do except sleep” :D the growing otaku line :D