that’s not a nation, just 4 corporations in a trench coat.
that’s not a nation, just 4 corporations in a trench coat.
I just want to see their faces, when they realise, that Bullet is NOT that bullet they thought…
“Absolutely NOT an asshole” award goes to…
“If I can’t watch anime, then there’s nothing for me to do except sleep” :D the growing otaku line :D
I still have 2-3 eps from the Box guy (Am I the strongest). I started the manga last year, so I knew the plot, but disn’t follow up until I finish the anime…
I watched the Icebalde magician from last season, then started to watch the Reigh of the seven spellblades. On very high level the story is very simmilar, but the later has waaaay better production quality, worldbuilding and story. After 2 minutes in both shows: Iceblade: “Super generic” Reign: “that’s gonna be awesome” personal opinion
holy f-ing shit… that’s unexpected good news to wednesday morning :)
I had some issues with my arch, like no graphics after update and such… 99.9% of my issues so far comes from Not doing something (nvidia kernel module install and such) or doing something badly. Because linux allows you to do almost anything (it’s your macine, not microsoft’s), so you gotta be careful what you’re doing. But, still rocking arch, I won’t leave linux ever :)
so, is it legal to advertise and reward stupidity? no wonder the whole human race is dying slowly… I wish it would be faster…