My nipple hairs are only the forest line.
I’ve got a weird pain tolerance with hair on any part of my body, I feel barely any pain no matter where and what’s used to remove it. And I get these hairs around my ripples that itch so they’re very satisfying to remove. I used to rip out big chunks of my hair as a kid, kinda like a party trick, but I started to get bald spots so had to stop, haha.
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I’m in a similar boat. I pluck my nose hairs without much issue
Why are you making comics of my life?
Epilating my chest and stomach may have been the worst pain I’ve ever felt. It’s like if someone was flaying me with a weed wacker.
Why I would rather get shot than waxed.
Imagine getting shot with wax
the perfect crime. no bullet.
Where is she looking in the first picture? Why not at the nipple like in the second?
She’s checking that he’s very asleep.
I had a girlfriend 20 years ago who did similar to this. She was very gentle and super into skin care though, it was relaxing and not painful.
lol nice try, nerd.
Everyone knows women aren’t real.
Is that at the beach or in their infinite bed?