And they’re already kissing Trump’s ass

    2 months ago

    I actually help run a blog, so I know first hand how many barriers there are between a blogger and their audience and it’s getting worse all the time. These days even if you do make good content that people are looking for, the search engines summarize your content or rank higher content which has scraped your content and summarized it.

    that’s even if you have the skills to set up a blog and the resources to fund it. Not everyone has that and if they don’t, does that mean their content shouldn’t be seen?

    trust me, I wish the Internet was different but with things like TikTok, you just have to focus on making your content and it takes care of bringing it to the people. With a blog, you really need to seek people out and a lot of people are turned off by self-promotion.

    And yeah, I know there’s an argument that people shouldn’t need other’s validation or attention for their art but also as a creative person it is demoralizing to make stuff that no one ever sees.