People will come to work and say “oh sorry, I can’t read that since I’m not wearing my glasses” and I’m like “why would you go anywhere without glasses if you need glasses?” I just don’t understand it.
actually, they do bring glasses with them all the time, they just straight up refuse to wear them
It’s because they want YOU to read it for em.
As someone who suffers from migraines, allodynia, and chronic pain, wearing glasses all the time isn’t an option.
Because I forgot them.
I usually don’t need any glasses unless something is more than 1m away from me. They’re uncomfortable laying down so I usually don’t wear them at home
They’re uncomfortable laying down so I usually don’t wear them at home
Is the only thing you do at home is lay in bed? I do plenty of stuff at home that requires me to have my glasses on all day.
I put them on in the morning and take them off before bed.
No, but I don’t really need to wear them inside since most of the time I don’t look at something far away enough to bother wearing glasses, because they get dirty fast and it can be hard to clean them sometimes.
It’s not that bad for me since I only need -0,75dpt and -1,00dpt
Fucking hell, you’re near-sighted and you don’t wear them because they get dirty? Do you walk around naked?
I only have two pairs of glasses.
I have more clothes and I can simply change them when they get dirty.
Also it’s not really a major annoyance when they get a little dirty unlike it’s the case with glasses.
I have to wear glasses to see. I have my pair of safety glasses for work, and I have my everyday pair. You know what I do when they get dirty? I take the minute to clean them and then put them back on my face, so I can see.
Your argument of “they get dirty easy so I’ll just not wear them” is a foreign concept. And “I only have 2 pair” is usually 1 more pair than the average person has.
But you still see better with dirty glasses than with none at all. For you it’s a major annoyance not wearing your glasses even when they get dirty.
For me it’s the exact opposite. I can see fine without glasses as long as I’m indoors and don’t have to read anything more than 1m away from me. Which usually isn’t the case unless I’m watching TV, which I rarely do.
I also don’t usually have a microfiber fabric on me (lost it somewhere) and when I use my t-shirt it only gets worse. So I have to go to the bathroom multiple times a day to clean them with water and soap and hope I don’t accidentally touch it again when trying to readjust it or while rubbing my eye.
It’s also not that I don’t wear them at all. I do, but only when they’re clean or when I go outside.
Yeah also I agree that having two pairs isn’t normal. I only have two pairs because I though I lost one so I ordered a new pair and one day before picking them up, I found my old pair.
My dad is like this with his hearing aids. He can basically hear nothing without them, but he’ll still try to talk to Us. So he gets them, but then says it’s too loud, so he turns it down to where he still can’t hear anything. One of them stopped working, and rather than call the doctor for a replacement, probably under warranty, he’s just like “oh that one stopped working”. So meanwhile, he’s basically impossible to communicate with, but doesn’t tell people “what did you say? I couldn’t hear you”, he just acts like he heard them and then just makes up whatever he thought they said.
So meanwhile, he’s basically impossible to communicate with, but doesn’t tell people “what did you say? I couldn’t hear you”, he just acts like he heard them and then just makes up whatever he thought they said.
Man, do I hate this. My grandma does the same - she didn’t want to get a hearing aid for many, many years which led to her hearing becoming absolutely terrible. She now has hearing aids, but she still doesn’t understand much if you don’t raise your voice a lot. Yet she acts like she understands everything, and you have to try and interpret her nods to figure out if she actually understood it.
I mean, I get why she does it, she doesn’t want to annoy others by constantly asking - but I’d talk to her a lot more if she was honest with her understanding, because it’s impossible to make a point more than 2-3 sentences long as it is.
All my grandparents have passed a while ago, and honestly if I could, the one thing I miss most is talking to them. Even when they didn’t understand me. I got frustrated too but now that I’m older I realize I was just scared of losing them. Their nodding along was their way of making sure I didn’t worry about them. They didn’t want me to worry about them, as impossible as that is. I don’t know what type of relationship you reading this have with your grandparents, but if it’s not completely toxic go and talk to them. Even if they don’t understand. They’re used to you babbling in their face, you did it your first few years anyway.
Thank you for your comment! I understand where you’re coming from, and my previous reply wasn’t formulated in the best way. I’m trying to spend as much time with my remaining grandparents as I can. But I’m not the most “social” person, and at some point my batteries are depleted. I know for a fact that if my grandma actually asked what I said, the charge would last much longer.
This also with fucking hearing aids. Like yeah it sucks, but wear them - they help. I’m sick of yelling at people with clear hearing issues who are not wearing anything to help.
The reasons I’ve heard (hah) are:
- They cost a lot
- People are biased against people who they see wearing hearing aids
- It makes you feel old and face aging
Some people like tuning out everything around them
Others can have a distinct problem picking voices out of surrounding noise.
Yeah hearing aids have gotten a lot better at it since I started wearing them but still they make it harder to separate the noises. Especially the person I’m talking to vs the people having a conversation behind me.
I know a guy who REALLY needs glasses. Can’t see shit more than 3 inches away without them. You can sneak up on him in broad daylight by walking in the open right toward him, he can’t make out the blob until about 15ft away. Probably legally blind, but I don’t actually know that.
He refuses to wear glasses while driving “because all the lights hurt my eyes”.
So basically at night he keeps it between the white/yellow blurs and avoids the blobs headed toward him, and during the day he tries to avoid the colored blobs while staying on the gray/black smear.
Remember, you share the road with these people daily! Incidentally I’m all for mandatory 5 year retesting for driver licenses and a yearly one after a certain age. No, I don’t think that’s ageist or wrong.
ANECDOTE TIME: My own grandfather drove right up until he was moved into a care home, and he was having seizures and strokes intermittently. The last time I spoke to him before he lost access to his truck, he told me he had to ask for help getting back into the truck because his leg wouldn’t move, AND he nearly took out someone’s mailbox because he took a turn so wide he jumped the sidewalk and went into a yard.
In germany you get info on your drivers license that says if the persons needs Glasses for driving. When the police stops you and sees no glasses on you then its like driving without a drivers license afaik
yup, wear your glasses people!
but what happens if you say you have contacts in? do they have a mobile eye exam in their beamers?
I really dunno. They have different numbers that allow for glasses, contacts or both. So even when you transition to contacts you need to update your drivers license.
But then, good question. How do they check that.
I can’t hear you, it’s too dark.
But when I wear them they give me headaches, because I don’t wear them enough.
They shouldn’t give you headaches if they are properly measured. Go back to your optometrist and get them fixed
Yes, glasses give headaches at the beginning (if they correct a lot, not if they slightly adjust the owners vision). It’s how it is, you need to suffer a bit until you get used to them. Then, you get headaches when you don’t wear them.
Backing this up. My glasses are for really bad astigmatism. When I first got the glasses, they made my head hurt über bad and I felt nauseous. Now, my head hurts when I don’t wear them.
Boy do I have an absolute awful show for you!
Joke’s on you, I’ve read the manga and I love it. The story is cute but in my case people straight up refusing to wear glasses simply because they don’t want to is damn annoying.
Okay maybe I need to be more specific…”awful” as in in cringe …regarding the MC
At least in the anime he is one of the worst I’ve seen in a long time. I finished it to the end though
Not sure what this has to do with boomers. I’ve heard people of all ages grumble about having to wear glasses.
Me, not Boomer, reading this without my glasses right now…
Cue shifty eye fox thing meme