

Obsolete form of divide.

    2 months ago

    All of your points involved putting words in my mouth, and evading the simple facts:

    • It’s been tried myriad times already, and has failed not only to increase tax revenue from the wealthiest, but also failed to increase the overall amount of tax revenue, period
    • You clearly have no historical knowledge of the above, nor of why they failed and were soon repealed by every nation that implemented it, or neutered completely out of their ostensible aim to target the ultra-wealthy, and becoming just another tax burden for the middle class
    • The above makes it extra clear that the ‘but it’ll work when we do it’ is a completely empty claim. If you can’t even articulate why it failed all those times before, how can you hope for a more successful attempt?

    All you’ve done here is straw man me and accuse me of being condescending, while desperately evading the above.

    Do you really think all those countries that implemented and then later repealed their wealth taxes, got rid of them because they were effective? Use your brain.