On December 14, James Harr, the owner of an online store called ComradeWorkwear, announced on social media that he planned to sell a deck of “Most Wanted CEO” playing cards, satirizing the infamous “Most-wanted Iraqi playing cards” introduced by the U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency in 2003. Per the...
So where can these be purchased rn? I got crypto
The site comrade workwear opens with them on the front page, i was curious what type of workwear they had after this article.
I’m looking for a replacement for dickies and another one, their quality has been absolute ass lately. €100 work jeans that get holes in them in a matter of days, those are not work jeans anymore.
I’ve got some Ariat jeans that are tough.
Maybe check out Duluth Trading Company?
Aw heck, American website?
It won’t allow me to open it, which has been happening more often with American sites lately.
Thanks, that’s what I get for skimming the post
At least you got your answer aye, that’s what matters haha