• inb4_FoundTheVegan@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    You’re correct to point this out.

    Identity =/= Gender =/= Sex

    Sex is the physical sexual characteristics of your body. Such as breasts, penis or vagina. This can be altered by surgery or way more commonly, hormones which greatly alter the makeup of sex organs. It is also why people born with a mix of sexual characteristics are called intersex.

    Gender is the social construct performance that we all do to interact with the world. Gender roles have changed a lot over time and culture, most easily seen by cooking being womens work and having a job being men’s. Gender can and does change a lotRedneck, goth, jock are all genders because it tells you something about how that person interacts with the world socially. There is no wrong way to be a human, you can have multiple genders and every gender is inherently valid.

    Identity is who you see yourself as in the mirror. It’s sort of immposible to describe who that is, so many express it via gender, but not exclusively. Many people are happy in their gender role, but see themselves differently. This is something that can change over time, but not willingly be changed.

    The state assumes everyones sex determines their gender and identity so documents use the three interchangeably and it drives me up the wall.