I think that most of that is just cloud.
Here’s the NASA FIRMS fire map showing hot areas in red, where the fire is burning. Those are the “big blotches”, where there’s a collection of bright areas in infrared.
The part that’s burning is a very small part of what’s visible on the submitted map.
EDIT: Note that the map server seems to be unusually overloaded right now, and is responding fairly slowly; the red infrared spots took a while to come in for me.
That’s a long selfiestick 😮
Can’t they just do controlled burns, dig lines, clear brush etc. ahead of time. It can’t be cheaper to just burn down large swaths of your state all the time.
They had something like 100mph (161 km/h) gusts on this, as I recall from the news. You’d need an awfully large firebreak to stop a fire from jumping that.
Yeah like why don’t they rake the forests‽
That’s exactly what controlled fires do, they do them every year in Florida because we get so many lighting strikes. Notice how our state doesn’t burn down every single month because we do maintenance to our forests.
Florida is very wet.
Southern California is semi-arid.
Yeah, nah mate.
From what I can tell you’se have no Eucalyptus and you’re a colder state compared to Cali, by like 10 degrees on extreme (when fires are at highest risk), and from memory Florida is meant to be humid as fuck. I’m not at all surprised you don’t have as many big fires.
We don’t have fires because the state spends money to ensure all preventive measures are being done and maintained. Meanwhile in la they cut the fireman budget by 20 million this year. We have small fires started by lightning and other sources often that get contained and dealt with easily because of those measures. Not because the air was so humid that lightning wasn’t hot enough to start a fire Jesus fucking Christ listen to yourself.
Mate, you cannot stop the fires in those conditions. Your idea that it’s because you “maintain” natural environments and not the climate and environmental differences is frankly without any standing.
Much could be done to minimise the impacts of large fires, but they are bound to happen with frequency regardless of what you do do.
Bushfires can easily jump containment and embers can travel for 10-20km floating in the air before starting another fire nearby, meanwhile the trees are combusting at 1200 degrees Celsius.
Bushfires are fucked, you don’t get it because you don’t come from the right climate.
My understanding is that Trump apparently tweeted something about how California doesn’t maintain its forests, so that’s probably what started spreading this all over.
Having been to Florida and living in CA:
You guys don’t spend money to ensure shit is being done correctly when compared to CA except maybe making sure brown people and the gays are harassed as hard as possible
Keep comparisons of your 3rd world state away from us, you aren’t even close to our level
Enjoy your bi monthly fires you fucking morons. Our fire fighters will be busy making sure we don’t have to.
They do. The problem is that controlled burns are by definition small so they can be controlled and there’s a lot of forest.
Nothing can be done to prevent this says the only place on the planet where this happens regularly
It happened in Canada a few years ago. It happens in Europe every x summer (on a relative size).
So yeah, only place on the planet according to cnbckrjkgfdz or whatever your news channel is called.
Because wind carries the burning material through the air to go and start more fires.
Yeah no shit embers travel through the air that’s why you burn up the stuff it’s going to land on before the whole state is on fire. That’s how you keep a fire small enough to stop. No amount of firefighter can put out an entire forest. The entire test of the world has it figured out except California. You’re not the only place on the planet with a forest.
Our southern states in Australia have the fucked up mentality of don’t back burn and don’t pick up firewood from the forest cause you’re RuInInG tHe NaTUrAl HaBiTAt
Ironically raging bush fires ruin the habitat too.
Okay what about trees, bushes, houses and everything else that’s made from flammible material? All of those blow embers in the wind too and can’t all be knocked down. Look at what happened in Maui. You don’t need a huge national forest to have a devastating wildfire.
Where exactly in the world is this “figured out?” Wildfires happen all over the world.
Do you think wildfires are a result of state lines? Do you have any idea how big California is? Wait till you find out dry California weather is not 100% related the general state drought conditions because of the unregulated almond farming factor?