The black cylindrical piece with the blue cap at the bottom in the front right of the extruder assembly that looks like it’s hanging lower than everything else due to the perspective.
The black cylindrical piece with the blue cap at the bottom in the front right of the extruder assembly that looks like it’s hanging lower than everything else due to the perspective.
Ah yes the filament. I totally didn’t think it was a close call with the bed probe crashing into the print until reading the body of your post.
Where are you finding it for so cheap? It’s $60 in American dollarydoos.
I’d say all those EU (and Canada) countries aren’t striving to be the economic powerhouse that Japan is and China already has 1.5 billion people compared to Japan’s 125 million. Plus most countries rely on immigration to make up the difference while I’ve heard (but maybe not true) that Japan is hard to immigrate to due to the disapproving culture toward foreigners.
I absolutely loved Rubber but never delved into this guys other work. Not only is he a director, writer, and cinematographer, but also a DJ? What a crazy life path.
I think you’ll want to look into Wake On LAN to do this. I can’t give you instructions (tried once unsuccessfully on a Windows installation) but that should be enough to get you started.
Instead of sending us all COVID tests, they’ll send us a pack of healing crystals this time.
Is it possible that you’re just following too close if you feel these new turn signals aren’t fast enough for you to react?
The criticism is what prevented Clinton and Harris from getting elected and not their own words, actions, and campaigns? Same with Biden, too, and his extremely narrow victory in 2020? These three individuals who couldn’t manage to be more appealing than a failed businessman and reality TV star who’d been a laughing stock in this country for nearly 3 decades preceding his victory?
Your comment reads like propaganda, and your ideals mirror that of fascists like Putin. You want a dictatorship in this country where criticism is silenced and leaders do what they want, and it looks like you finally got it with Trump. It makes sense why you’re so opposed to the DNC doing literally anything differently than their nearly thrice failed strategy of mimicking the right. You want them to keep losing.
So you think we need to be more like the Republicans and fall in line to reject any and all criticism of our leaders, and that’s the path to fighting fascism? Buddy, that is fascism.
These warped ideals are exactly why the Democratic party is in the position that it’s in. Criticism isn’t the issue, it’s the shitty politicians pushing Republican ideals through the lens of liberalism and giving people reason to criticize. Sweeping that under the rug just to win an election isn’t solving anything. It just leads to more Trump-like candidates holding office while people continue to suffer.
Yeah, this is all a big conspiracy, and I’m in on the take. 🙄
They have replication technology, so their resources are infinite, provided they have enough energy.
Really? Then why are Republicans able to win elections despite all the criticism against them, or does it conveniently only work in the one direction that supports your argument? This is such a ridiculous take.
It’s literally all explained for the whole line in a chart on half of a single page. What are you even talking about? It’s broken down by data speeds and charging wattage. How much simpler can you get?
They’re already doing that. The USB consortium released new naming schemes and labels to fix all the bizarre naming conventions.
I remember the aisles of proprietary phone chargers in Best Buy and Walmart all sectioned off by device name and the Medusa like adapters that had 14 different plugs coming off of a universal barrel connector.
Water to Seattle? Is this legit because Seattle has no shortage of precipitation or water AFAIK.
I’ll never look at an old man with grass-stained, white New Balances ever again.
Not in an ICE vehicle, but I may be under the false impression that some EVs use gear reduction after the motors, similar to how portal axles are set up. If that’s not the case, then you’re right it would just be the CV axles that are removed which don’t weigh quite as much.
Imagine how many American citizens are sitting in these camps and will be deported to some other country as Trump tries to eliminate due process and rob them of their day in court.