Post is funny, but AI memes are weird
The EVs the government really ought to be subsidizing are electric bicycles, not cars.
Right? I wish more people would consider the product life cycle analysis of what they want to purchase. Virtue signaling doesn’t help, and nor does more scrap ending up in a landfill at the end of the cradle to grave trip.
I’d love an E bike! It would be great to take the train into the city for me and use it to get around. I haven’t been able to afford insurance and still don’t have a driver’s license. It’d save me a killing and allow me to actually save my money than have it guzzled up by gas, car maintenance, and overall way less hassle for me. I’d rather not have to worry about features eventually getting pay walled by the shitfotainment system…
Why? So they can oppress people who have mobility issues? Why is it that every single time some small brained Fuck Cars person posts, it’s horribly and insultingly ableist?
Last year, my sister had her driver’s license suspended because of a medical condition, but she’s still perfectly capable of riding a bike. But the problem is our societal assumption of cars-for-all-whether-you-like-it-or-not means her neighborhood street design is extremely hostile to her getting around by bike safely, and it’s way too sprawling and car-dependent to walk anywhere. There’s also no public transit within a reasonable walking distance.
So I might ask you: Do you believe people like my sister deserve the same right to mobility as the rest of us? If so, why support a system that make life actively hostile to her and people like her? You act as if disabilities are a monolith, and that cars are only ever their saviors, as if cars are never the thing making life actively more difficult for many people.
If you gave a shit about people with mobility issues you’d know how dumb that statement is.
You do realize that cars and car centric infrastructure make it harder for disabled people to get places right? You do realize that public transport is infinitly more beneficial to the disabled than cars are right?
What a pathetic attempt at trolling.
First of all, nothing I wrote was ableist and you fucking know it.
Second, you say that as if subsidizing cars isn’t itself ableist, since there are plenty of disabled folks who can’t drive and therefore rely on infrastructure that accommodates alternatives like transit and walking.
In reality, subsidizing biking doesn’t affect the disabled in any way (except possibly to help them by encouraging better lanes and ramps that can be used by both bicycles and wheelchairs). In contrast, further subsidizing car-centrism very much hurts them and you damn well know it.
Not only does pink girl have 5 knuckles where one would expect to find only 4, but she’s also somehow in the drivers seat at the same time as Glasses. And she’s wearing her backpack while also seated.
Man, AI sucks.
90+% of the AI generated content is just straight garbage.
I don’t get why people are so obsessed with it to be honest.
I got AI to generate an image very similar to a piece of digital artwork I did, based on a description. In the space of 10 or so seconds, it created something that looks much better than the piece that took me like 4 hours to do. And I think it really captured the mood and spirit of what I originally made.
I think AI can generate some really excellent pieces, sometimes it just takes a few regenerations and changes to your description prompt. Although it’s not perfect, it’s become pretty amazing IMO.
90% of everything is garbage. Sturgeon’s law:’s_law
Is this ai generated ? or is it just poorly photoshoped because there’s a lot of texture detail missing from the image
Edit: it also looks like someone told it to make Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and it created a Asian-European version of her because the face seems to similar
100% AI
Yeah, I thought it was just over smooth, but fuuuck.
Look at 1st girls teeth in 1st pic. They get bigger from left to right, despite the camera angle. 3rd pic, normal size. Also. See the glasses bridge between 1&3, changes shape, weorrd spot in eye on 3
In the 2nd panel, her hand has 5 knuckles
Look at the top right image. She has like 7 fingers
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Her glasses change between panels
AI generated memes are truly the nadir of comedy
Electric cars are still a 3 ton object you’ll needlessly try to dispose of in 5 years.
Electric cars are here to save the car companies, not the environment.
1 word: Batteries
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Got any stats for that or is it just the usual anti-EV BS where you equate EVs to cellphones? No? Of course you don’t and are just making shit up.
5 years??? You change cars every 5 years?
I bought a 2002 Honda insight. One of the first hybrids, except the electric motor went out, so it’s all gas now. Still got slapped with an extra $150 so called “hybrid tax” so the state can subsidize a lower usage of gas that they would have received tax on. Literally incentivizes gasoline vehicles. What the fuck?
At least you’re getting 50+ MPG. I want a ZE1 insight so bad…
Not a strong effort.
Off? That’s not how tax credits work
Someone explain who’s the good lad here?
That, and also why it looks (and possibly is) generated by an AI?
No it isn’t, it’s perfectly normal to have the rearview mirror on the side window
I swear, every time I hear this “cars are killing the economy” shit, it’s from some no-car-having-ass twat that’s going to ask me for a ride later that afternoon
Also, the government didn’t “give” you $7500 “because it’s electric.” You got a tax rebate because of the bargaining of the UAW.
The rebate was in place and the UAW was negotiating to only have it apply to American made cars. That’s not the same as them creating it.
Source me to change my mind.
UAW ruining thing with their protectionism😔
But the rebate has been in place for about a year now. UAW strike just started
TIL the UAW didn’t exist until last month
Electric cars are actually bad for the American economy though…
Each one takes less labor to build and the overwhelming majority of factories capable of producing ev batteries are overseas.
So while we can make evs domestically with less labor we now have fewer jobs and one of the most expensive parts of the car is being imported anyway, exerting downward pressure on the domestic workers in assembly.
So every electric car that replaces an internal combustion car is reducing the gdp in measurable terms.
Not that gdp is a good measure, but there’s a hard undeniable kernel of truth to the statement that electric cars are bad for the economy and specifically in a way that hurts working class Americans most.
You sound like an economist. They cost less to build and maintain. Which means the money is freed up to do other things. Only an economist would want to bailout inefficiency.
What will that money be doing?
how are the ostensible productivity gains from evs going to be used to help american workers?
it’s hard to believe that the reduced demand for skilled tooling, die and machining labor will translate into some kind of gain for the communities and people that rely on that work to survive.
and we’ve seen how anemic reskilling efforts are and how the usual boilerplate response, “learn to code”, is completely defunct with the combination of LLMs and the cheap overseas junior dev labor pool.
american conservatives are trotting out these arguments to appeal to people who feel like they’re being forced to give up their lifestyle (driving cars with cheap gas), and materially are actually being heavily pressured to get evs without fully understanding the economics of this new class of Second Most Expensive Thing Most Americans Will Ever Buy, but that doesn’t mean that the realities that appeal is built on aren’t there.
Yeah an economist. Backwards ass logic of having more money in your pocket means you are poorer. A car factory is not a work program, it is a factory to make cars. Technological progress shouldn’t be crippled because some special interest group paid you to convince every single person to spend more money for an inferior good.
Goose chasing meme: more money in whose pocket, motherfucker?
Seriously. We’re talking about shitcanning a third of the us auto jobs. Who’s gonna get the money from that nightmare?
How can we expect those communities to take it lying down when they saw what happened and continues to happen to coal country?
This isn’t fake made up handwavey bullshit. These are the real effects of domestic ev production and we can’t just say “anyone who opposed evs is a conservative piece of garbage or a head-in-ass neoliberal economist.”
-The proceeding was a paid for commentary by economists of UAW.
No really, the parts/labor breakdown of an ev skews farther to parts than an ice car. Who gets that money in their pocket in exchange for all the jobs?
What happens to the families and communities that depend on the jobs that are going away?
Have we learned anything from the failed reskilling of Appalachian coal country?
Come on man it is Friday night. You can punch out. UAW isnt paying you to work the weekends
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They’re planning on building four, and they paused construction recently as a power play in negotiations when the uaw said battery workers should get the same pay as the machinists.
I saw that those plants will be making batteries for the new f150, not the much smaller evs that everyone else drives.
Battery manufacture is part of its own can of worms though, and one that doesn’t make evs look great either.
I wanna also say that I’m not against spinning down the ice auto industry, but no one who’s suggesting doing that or making fun of people who recognize that it’s the consequence of things that are already happening has a real plan for it.
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i’m skeptical about electric trucks.
they’re gonna be a hit with the people who’ve been buying them instead of sedans lately, but the fleet and rural markets are gonna be less inclined to use em and needing a big battery service periodically is gonna change the long term value proposition of a full size truck for a lot of people.
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but the fleet and rural markets are gonna be less inclined to use em
I guess we’ll NEVER FUCKING KNOW because they insist on only making MINIVANS FOR INSECURE DADS.
- me, desperately wanting a practical electric truck
I think you’re gonna find out very soon because four battery plants are in the works for trucks.