This is a completely psychotic thought, but I’m really curious to see what kind of circumstances would break their pickiness. For example, how many days of starvation before they change their minds. Also, would that happen sooner if no one was observing them?
Absolutely unethical and it could never happen as an experiment, but I wish I could see the results somehow.
any adult that says choccy milk deserves to be hit in the face with a sledge hammer.
BRB gotta go deck my wife
I’ll send you a hammer if you don’t have one.
I also choose to deck this guys wife
Yumyum choccy milky go gulppp
All I’m hearing is “I’m an insufferable cunt that has made every partner I have resent me to the point that they left me”
You can call it “jenkem” for all the fucks I give. Choccy milk is delicious.
“hmm, whats jenkem?” i google “uh oh”
Is this what people think when I tell them I can’t eat gluten? Cuz it definitely feels like it.