It’s not bad. The visual voicemail feature is probably worth updating for by itself.
If only people would leave a bloody voicemail! You’re ok calling me but refuse to leave a voicemail and you won’t text me!? Ahhhh!
No. Too many nice updates and features. Try to roll back to iOS 6. Last time iOS was good.
Honestly I do miss the skeuomorphic design every so often. It did have a charm to it.
Yes - the new widgets are great. I have yet to encounter any bugs… other than poor battery life for the first few days which is normal whenever they make major changes to the OS.
Obviously there are bugs, but they’re not widespread. You should be fine.
It’s free and there’s neat stuff. Sure.
Removed by mod
Can anyone else not swipe left to right to go back in messages? It’s the only app it doesn’t work for me.
I had that happen, worked once I force quit iMessage and reopened it.
Maybe. It entirely depends on if you’ll be affected by the bugs that exist. I’ve personally only encountered one annoying bug. A Safari regression that blocks scrolling on video elements. Some of the new features are pretty cool.
As with any software release, I usually hold back until things are resolved. My apps work, I’m happy that they do, and that’s good enough for me.
Ya same
I don’t know why you’re being downvoted for providing very practical advice. I’m a maniac that jumps right into the fist developer beta, and I’ll attest to Apple’s OSs being pretty solid at launch, but the risk for bugs and compatibility issues is higher with a new big release.
We literally just saw Instagram and Uber overheating everyone’s phones for 2 weeks. It made global news.