As more companies look to offer space-based services, space junk is likely to pile up. Fines will ensure that the industry works to clear the mess it is making too.
US imposes $150,000 fine on Dish Network for space debris::undefined
I don’t really get why they got fined when they did the best they could. The satellite was launched 20 years before the law was in effect. It’s not like they knew that in 20 years they would need x amount of fuel (though to be fair, it probably would have been about 150k in extra cost back then)
$150k, that’ll teach 'em!
Yeah! They definitely will learn when they have to pay less than a percent of their total revenue in 2022!
I don’t really get why they got fined when they did the best they could. The satellite was launched 20 years before the law was in effect. It’s not like they knew that in 20 years they would need x amount of fuel (though to be fair, it probably would have been about 150k in extra cost back then)
Agreed about them doing nothing against the law in the past.
But against your last anecdote: 150k now is worth more than having to maybe pay 150k later