He’s acting exactly like your typical shitty narcissistic parasite of a parent who finds out they don’t control EVERY one of your social media accounts, whether you live with them or not lol. Or when they blocked someone “on your behalf” and you didn’t know about it and tried to search for them to no avail.
I can imagine the conversation.
Elon: “I own this website, and you’re telling me that I’m not allowed to see this person’s profile or activity because they blocked me?”
Good luck getting a massive narcissist like him to understand why every user should have that right.
He’s acting exactly like your typical shitty narcissistic parasite of a parent who finds out they don’t control EVERY one of your social media accounts, whether you live with them or not lol. Or when they blocked someone “on your behalf” and you didn’t know about it and tried to search for them to no avail.