That’s because you’re not engraving the suspects name in wooden balls based on the dreams of 3 people sleeping in some weird hot tubs.
To be honest in the US, most crimes are already Minority Reports
Police are notorious for using bullshit tech to try and justify their “investigations”. Remember Voice Stress Analysis? Total bullshit, but thousands of departments bought into it. There are probably still innocent people in prison because of it.
Same with bite analysis, polygraph, and (if I remember correctly) blood splatter analysis
Sort of, blood spatter is kinda legit: It’s derived from old tracking techniques so it’s not totally bullshit (but it’s also not a super power or anything). You can tell if someone was running and blood was dripping or if it came from them getting repeatedly hit with something, etc. That’s part of forensics, some of which is legit science (though it’s not perfect and there are people who are full of shit that hire themselves out as “experts” sometimes).
I know how they could make it thousands of times more accurate. Just rewrite it to always point at Wall Street.
The police need crimes and criminals to justify their existence. If the criminals are selected by a computer program, that is sufficient for their purposes.
Yay more convictions for driving while black. Great.
How did they manage to do so spectacularly badly? I think part of the problem is that they were trying to predict times and locations, rather than focusing on individual offenders. Past record is highly predicitive of future behaviour, i.e. if an offender has committed assault half a dozen times, it is highly probable that they will commit another assault or similar violent offence again, we just dont know when or where. Poor quality data may also be part of it - garbage in, garbage out
Ah shit are we already going minority report and psycho pass?