Anyway, please stay safe and don’t be afraid to defend yourself.

    3 months ago

    Communications with commercially available drones are generally unencrypted and easily intercepted. Triangulation of the source of the controlling unit would be trivial.

    You’d have to be looking for it while the drone was being operated, so you would have to either monitor all the time or be tipped off that someone was coming to get you. This isn’t really a good deterrent to drone-based assassination.

    Also, drones are trivial to build on your own these days. With a few months of extremely basic electronics education, a pile of off-the-shelf components and a little iteration you can have your own “ghost” drone that you can control via RF, cell towers from a modem you put onboard, bluetooth, line-of-sight-laser or whatever. The weapons on it are a different story, but people have been improvising ways to off each other forever. It’s kind of what humans do best.