I’ve heard people say that they know it’s unconstitutional and their goal is to get someone to sue over it and take it to SCOTUS so SCOTUS can rule in their favor and give them free reign to violate the 1st amendment all they want.
I’ve heard people say that they know it’s unconstitutional and their goal is to get someone to sue over it and take it to SCOTUS so SCOTUS can rule in their favor and give them free reign to violate the 1st amendment all they want.
Good. Let’s issue warrants for all current and former presidents too as they’re all war criminals.
Don’t you just love rent/housing? Oh, sorry you don’t make enough money to qualify for a mortgage. But hey you can pay $1,500/month+ to pay your landlord’s mortgage!
It’s almost like we have no money and don’t have a choice because having ridiculous luxury items like FOOD, requires you know, money.
Okay. Why can’t they just get rid of the fees altogether? Why do we need to have ANY kind of junk fees for anything? Oh wait, I know. To make rich people richer.
Agreed. I want to get the full game for my $50-$70. I don’t want to pay $100+ to get the full game.
Microtransactions are a cancer to gaming IMO.
I’m sure something else will eventually come along. The only way to stop emulators from existing is to not have a system at all. I.e., if Nintendo were to stop making video game hardware, then there would be no new emulators except for ones developed for previous/existing hardware.
Because they’re scumbag fascist pigs who shoot first and ask questions later.
Oil companies are some of the scummiest scumbags there are. I hate them.
But we can’t have that I guess. I fucking hate corporations so much.
I know an even better way for them to save money. Anthony Wood, the CEO, gets like $20,990,000 in total yearly compensation. Like most these fucks most of it is non-salary, so they don’t pay taxes on it right away if at all.
Good for Mexico, that’s awesome! Too bad the U.S. is such a fucking backwards excuse of a country.
There just needs to be automatic instance assignment for new users with registration time opt-out for those who want to choose. Pick whichever one is the most populated. If that’s down at that particular moment in time, pick the next most populated and so on. Take the instance picking out of the equation for people who don’t care about that. People who do care can still pick their own.
That being said, it’s difficult to grow a new website in general unless it’s already got established backing from other source (i.e. a large corporation, celebrity, etc.), It’s not like old days in the 90s when there were far fewer websites in general.
We don’t have a monopoly. - Company with a monopoly
As all billionaires are. Along with unempathetic sociopathic psychopaths.
I’d just get a mouse that doesn’t have this bullshit before paying for this. I’ll buy used if needed. I’m not subscribing to a fucking mouse.