A whistling blowgun would be in the spirit of the thread. Some of history’s grandest feminists have been skilled in using poisons
apart from their literal cycle of violence in racking a pump action, shotties have a choke, and thus a tendency to perpetuate rape culture.
they can also dispense hot salty loads, come to think of it
I doubt that the authors of Health Communism are Trump’s first choice of Death Panel, but I want to make their words from the intro part of this thread:
“Health is capitalism’s vulnerability. There is no capital without health—it is capital’s host. And capitalism’s greatest trick is convincing us that it exists independent of this parasitic grasp. That it is indifferent.
Health has no fixed meaning. It is fluid. Under capitalism health has been defined to embody many meanings at once: from the hyper-individualistic, biological “health” any one person possesses—always a possession, not an ontology—to global society-level constructs which attempt to give language to chances for survival at the population level. Health is a vulgar phenomenon. A race-and-class-stratified matrix of constantly intersecting regimes of artificial scarcity. A destination, something one must always orient one’s life toward. Healthy physically, socially, economically, and metaphysically. More than a thing, and so often difficult or impossible to describe, health becomes defined by the things it is not. Non-cancerous, dis-abled—as though the purest state of health is to simply not exist.
Health under capitalism is an impossibility. Under capitalism, to attain health you must work, you must be productive and normative, and only then are you entitled to the health you can buy. This fantasy of individual health under the political-economic conditions of capitalism only ever exists as a state one cannot be, to which one must always strive.”
how the hell does a frog do handwraps.
and why are you using fists when your entire body is built for doing sweet jumpkicks
I guess what I’m saying is disregard news cycles and do sweet jumpkicks
Hot damn, that sounds like the best combination golf and fishing trip ever!
Leave yourself notes! On PC, Steam Categories and desktop shortcut names are enough for little hints and nudges.
Why do you think baseball teams sell those mini batting helmets?
It’s not exactly 90’s Al Qaeda out there. Hizb’Allah is a political party with seats in the Lebanese parliament and their own parallel civil society institutions like clinics. Decades in governance, plenty of reaching across aisles and cooperation with other faiths in Lebanon and such. They’ve tended to be sensitive about how they are perceived.
Naquora is tiny. 4,150 people, with a highest elevation of 60m. From what I can tell, the UN HQ is separate from the main village, in a former toll station and a couple buildings on a skinny beach strip that is two streets wide. The IDF really has to be going out of their way to attack UN troops, which is insane if Israel’s goal is to create a regional war where the US bails them out.
These are the UN deployments between the Litani river and the border.
inheriting a genetic disease because my lungfish grandsire wouldn’t put on a fucking respirator around airborne hazards
sobbing over my phone because I couldn’t stop a friend from pairing full-bodied red wine with lobster
In one case while shirtless and ginger, lest we forget. Can’t leave witnesses.
It could also be for the closeted queer Palestinians routinely blackmailed by Israeli intelligence into acting as spies.
She’s actually just eating a slice of watermelon off his chest.