Climate Collapse would have probably been more accurate.
Climate Collapse would have probably been more accurate.
If they were American, they would be following American values and laws.
It’s the ratio of likes/dislikes: OP’s ratio of likes/dislikes was shit compared to the person responding to them. That’s not typically how that works out, since the OP usually has more eyes, and thus votes, than the replies.
As a result, when it happens, it’s really noticeable and REALLY sticks out and says something, so it’s called getting ratio’d.
Getting ratio’d is something to be deeply embarrassed of.
Nintendo doesn’t “personally” do anything. They are a corporation.
lol. lmao, even.
Just off the top of my head they bought Monolith from Bandai-Namco and Bayonetta has been exclusive ever since the second one.
Monolithsoft was three separate offices- Nintendo bought two of them, which were both already working exclusively as a Nintendo second party, and the third was dissolved during the Bandai-Namco merger due to the fact that Namco was treating them like shit after Nakamura retired and the merger was the last straw. Monolithsoft is one, if not the only, exception to Nintendo staying out of buying companies, and Iwata has even commented on it only happening because Sigiuira basically asked them to, and it not being something they want or like to do.
As for Bayonettas since 2, Nintendo’s publishing it for PlatinumGames, who used to be a Nintendo second party. They started working with Sega in 2008 iirc because Nintendo literally pointed Sega their way (This is the same time period when Nintendo was giving Sega work to try to dig them out of their hole, e.g. Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games). My understanding is that internally Nintendo still considers PlatinumGames a second party dev, despite Sega publishing several games for them.
You can decide if those are exceptional cases or something as bad as Sony, but I know where my vote lies.
Microsoft has been way worse than sony.
Probably, yeah.
I don’t mean to overly defend Sony
Then don’t? Going to completely uninvolved third parties and snapping them up to hoard their IPs, or simply outright paying them to not publish elsewhere (coughepiccough) should always be indefensible. Xbox is worse, but Sony is still real bad about this shit, and Epic is worse than all of them.
The problem isn’t having exclusives, it’s buying exclusives to punish customers, which Sony (and Xbox) does.
… Nintendo literally personally develops their exclusives, let’s not pretend that’s an apples to apples comparison.
Xbox is absolutely terrible at buying exclusives though, yes. Worse than Sony, arguably.
For one, Gail Slater was only ‘tough on big tech’ for a few years in the very beginning of her career, and the entire rest of it has been spent as a big tech lobbyist for Internet Association. The most relevant lobbying being the opposition of a california data privacy bill that would require ISPs to gain customer permissions to collect and sell their browsing history. Needless to say, it’s pretty horrifying to hear a privacy company CEO call a noted anti-privacy lobbyist a good pick with those ‘credentials’.
Only two of Andy Yen’s posts regarding the matter are shown or referred to- the original post, and a later ‘clarification’. Every double-down, the ‘official’ statement he (supposedly erroneously) made, the deleted posts, all of those are not mentioned, yet the author spends a lot of time claiming that they went through ‘thousands of tweets and replies’ to find everything relevant, which in my opinion is gaslighty as hell when he then promptly discards all of them since they don’t match his narrative.
The biggest issue with the article though is that it makes a ton of assumptions presented as fact about Andy Yen’s motivations, which are then used as ‘evidence’ to discredit the evidence he’s pro-trump… and then assigns actions the entire Proton company did as justification for why Yen, himself as a person, is not pro-trump.
So the evidence he is NOT pro-trump is that the company he works for and doesn’t control has done some some decent privacy stuff, and the proof that he IS pro-trump is either thrown away, not mentioned, or discard on the basis that ‘he totally said he wasn’t guys trust me.’
People keep posting this, like some kind of biased blog post on medium is supposed to be a gotcha moment that fixes everything. It doesn’t.
Proton’s CEO turned out to be a Trumper with a Nazi dogwhistle username and a lot of Republican buzzwords peppering his vocabulary. Lots of people are defending Proton anyway because of sunk cost fallacy… or they’re just Nazis themselves.
Unfortunately, several of the author’s conclusions are drawn from either errors or outright lies, or simply things being swept aside. Several of Andy’s later posts are ignored, as is the amount he doubled down. Him using the official proton accounts to call his statements the official proton stance is waved away. It basically only examines the cleaned up, shiny final version of events proton would like you to pretend happened after they deleted everything, instead of what actually happened. Worse, it pretends that was the only chain of events that happened. It’s straight up gaslighting.
It’s a very, very biased article that doesn’t even attempt to do any kind of deep analysis and just tries to justify its stance by cherry picking, instead of actually looking at the facts and coming to a conclusion from there.
Are you kidding me right now? You call a fascist takeover a bit of “dissent” that we need to “relax a little” about?
You think the CEO of a privacy company coming out in support of a dictator who wants to erode rights and abolish privacy laws, and believes in jailing dissenters, to not have gone rogue?
We literally have American citizens being sent to an offshore military concentration camp so their lawful rights can be waived, and you think that’s okay?!
… See, now I’m just starting to think this whole thing is simply made up.
I work in academia. A DEI committee is a specific thing that has specific duties, and they wouldnt even be involved in this sort of thing. No one is being hired, no one is lacking an accomodation or opportunity, no one is being excluded. "DEI Committee"is certainly a big Republican Boogeyman dogwhistle though. So I think I’m just done here.
Where does rape apology come into it?
And that’s not a problem with DEI, that’s a problem with academic politics, which is what it sounds to me like you got slapped with, in the best case.
In the future, in academics you have to remember that the squeaky wheel does NOT get the grease, it’s considered a problem, annoying, distracting, and it gets removed so it goes away. You have to work bottom-up, not top-down. Top down is only an option when youre good friends with someone above them, or several someone on the same rung as them.
tl;dr: DEI sn’t the problem, the problem is a toxic workplace. DEI or no DEI, toxic employees will find SOME kind of structure to exert their will. Throwing away good structures because bad people abuse them is active harm.
I cannot, as you clearly aren’t telling the whole story. All I can tell is that you’re telling a very biased story, and you’re blaming DEI for… squints hiring women? Hiring feminists? It’s hard to tell who exactly you’re blaming for fucking your advisor and not getting abackslap and cigar.
Which is… Well, right up the alley of someone wanting rid of DEI I guess.
I hope you realize how bad this entire chain sounds, and that is WITH your one sided account that’s clearly skimming over things you did, especially the second time you were kicked out.
They were being weak. Republicans don’t care, they’re just happy that a spot opened up they can fill. They need to stop giving Republicans shit for free and make them fight for it, instead of just giving them our country.
They probably think it worked out great, since it was only ever an op by hostile elements to convince absolute fucking idiots to vote against their own interests.
Because it needs to be said and hasn’t yet- you’re a good person. The United States needs more people like you.
If they didnt care about public opinion, they wouldn’t have lied.
If they didn’t care about public opinion, they wouldn’t be pressuring media to squash knowledge of it so hard.
It’s actually looking pretty likely that they didn’t actually win. How very odd that Musk is suddenly buddy buddy with Trump, when he oh so very coincidentally has a team of programmer man children who have a number of proof of concept examples for invisibly changing votes on voting machines.