I run a different LXC on Proxmox for every service, so it’s a bunch. Probably a better way to do it since most of those just run a docker container inside them.
I run a different LXC on Proxmox for every service, so it’s a bunch. Probably a better way to do it since most of those just run a docker container inside them.
Both of these are on f-droid
My favorite e-reader is Cool Reader(granted, it was last updated 3 years ago)
My favorite music player is innerTune (however that is more for playing YouTube vids as music)
Call me a socialist, but the moment the tech was proven either the US or some UN based org should have eminent domained and brought Starlink.
That way there wouldn’t be multiple companies sending tens of thousands of satellites into space. And hypothetically there would be a greater expectation of equal access. Oh and access wouldn’t be at the whim of a pretty billionaire.
Ha, I did the same thing. Was getting really tired of pip issues and attempting to use pyenv and messing up a lot. Figured I’d start clean.
Didn’t realize so much depended on python and ended up needing to rebuild the whole thing.
Now I don’t mess with python on my host and only use VMs for Dev or messing around.
This was my problem, it’s enabled by default, so double check that
Using gnome now, but have always enjoyed Xfce. Was going to use it for my current setup, but at the time it didn’t support Wayland. It looks like it’s getting close, but not quite there yet.
Maybe once Wayland is fully supported I’ll give it a shot again.
Yep, I’m 36, mid Atlantic US, started driving stick when I was 18. I inherited this little Geo Metro for college, so it was learn stick or no car. (I really liked that car dispite it not having air conditioning, no tachometer, and manual everything)
Next car I bought was a manual. Now since my spouse can’t drive stick we only have automatics.
Whenever we need a new car it’ll be electric, which unfortunately (by design) are not manuals. So no more stick for me.
Personally I use mailbox.org, it’s not free, but you are not the product