I flip them the bird every time I see one now, fuckin nazi simps need to know they’re hated
I flip them the bird every time I see one now, fuckin nazi simps need to know they’re hated
Honestly I just assume that those two are where people dump cars, I would never buy a car from either of those without an independent checkup or a warranty.
Also, the initial screening is not the only inspection that carmax does, if the issue is as pronounced as OP implies it’ll probably get caught and sent to an as-is dealer auction where people know that crap cars are sent.
See if Carmax will make you an offer. If it’s not bad enough to be blowing blue smoke and the coolant is clean, you may by able to sneak it by an underpaid intake tech.
If you do use CL or FB marketplace, don’t offload it without a word of warning please. People are struggling right now and the ones buying $400 cars are doing so because they can’t afford anything else. Carvana and Carmax are giant corporations so no moral issues with offloading on them.
I remember fighting with gas weed whackers endlessly as a teen trying to do chores… having to dick with the choke for a cold start, having to pump prime them (and it being possible to over prime and lock them out), then you had to carry them around and use them with the exhaust at steak searing temperature… and if you didn’t know how to tune an idle they’d just die in your hands if you didn’t goose the throttle occasionally
This is a great one - don’t miss small gas engines even a little bit lol
It’s what corn craves
Nah, they won - no reason to waste compute on the astroturfing LLMs anymore.
Fuck yeah I spent $500 at Costco today, stocked up the freezer and the pantry for a while. Nice that I can basically buy all my food from a company that tries to be decent to its employees.
Fuckin LLM bubble needs to burst already. I want some crazy compute cards to play with.
Also, who knew the only people who would pay 2400/yr for access would bebe the ones who plan to make hundreds of queries per day. What do like, people try to think about value for money before they buy stuff?! What are you all… like not filthy rich?! Ew.
That’s ok, with how much more they’re paid than everyone else I’m sure they’re all far too clever to be fooled - corporations are the epitome of a meritocracy don’t you know?
I don’t know about other materials so make that decision first but I’ll say opaque PETG will do better with UV than translucent.
But honestly just paint the top that’ll be getting hit by the sun.
Make sure it’s not like, going to get crazy hot in the summer and melt to the opening and seal it, could be a nightmare.
Very funny that Brazil is basically the only country so far with the balls to have stood up to this loser
I resolve to give up New Year’s resolutions. It’s too god damn much pressure.
Unfortunately now that I’ve made my resolution, I can’t figure out - did I succeed or fail at keeping my resolution?🤔
2025 we’re finding out animal magnetism was real all along, but it requires a certain concentration of microplastics to work
Honestly yeah man, this seems like the perfect thing to go to a therapist for - I’m a big believer that paying a person to just listen to you rant and guide you through the sort of thoughts that OP is having is one of the most effective uses for them. I’ve done it with multiple hard things and it helped me a lot.
OP - if you’ve never tried it you should. You can pay a dude to just listen to you rant, and honesty even if they’re not partiality insightful it usually still feels better to tell someone at the very least.
I’m sorry you lost your friend dude, I can only imagine how much that must hurt. I don’t know your friend but from what you’ve posted about him, I bet he wouldn’t want you to feel survivors guilt - i bet he’d want you to hug your kids and live your best life.
Nature abhors a vacuum but it fucking loves a crab
Headache haddock
It’s the perfect combo of cozy but not zero challenge - this would be my pick in op’s shoes
deleted by creator
I know it’s not totally relevant but I once convinced a company to run their log aggregators with 75 servers and 15 disks in raid0 each.
We relied on the app layer to make sure there was at least 3 copies of the data and if a node’s array shat the bed the rest of the cluster would heal and replicate what was lost. Once the DC people swapped the disk we had automation to rebuild the disks and add the host back into the cluster.
It was glorious - 75 servers each splitting the read/write operations 1/75th and then each server splitting that further between 15 disks. Each query had the potential to have ~1100 disks respond in concert, each with a tiny slice of the data you asked for. It was SO fast.
Use the box & heated bed method, there’s videos on it