Huh interesting. Move company to a place where you can’t find local workers, use as justification for hiring H1Bs, profit off slave wages.
Huh interesting. Move company to a place where you can’t find local workers, use as justification for hiring H1Bs, profit off slave wages.
Lol having a PhD doesn’t get you a pension. She’ll make more from OF than she’d ever make by staying in academia.
Tell me you’re laying people off without laying people off.
Needing two jobs to survive isn’t a good thing.
Lol no no. How about donate to open source initiatives?
Yeah I’d be insulted. I think a good compromise would be to demand a higher amount, but to be donated to a charity.
Real talk, programming is your best bet. Companies don’t hire “smart” people anymore in the hopes they can teach them to do the job, so the math background doesn’t really put you ahead of someone with specific training.
If you hate programming though, I would pop back into undergrad and get a second bachelors in Accounting (you should be able to skip all the gen ed reqs). You could prob do it in 3-4 semesters.
Big tech is out of ideas and needs AI to work in order to drive growth.
Surprised if there isn’t news of a massive beanbag delivery. And then instead of corrals of desks in an open office plan, they have a floor-sized ball pit of beanbags… You can sit anywhere.
Botox helps with the wrinkles
You may have to lower your expectations. I’ve never seen cats play together with a toy. It’s always either taking turns or one watching the other. If one is too timid to play while the other is around, then you might have to play with them separately.
Toys with motors (moving ball, floppy fish, etc) have all scared my cats because of the noise.
They did like cork balls though. Something about the texture and weight. And tissue paper, cats love crinkly tissue paper.
More like bet 80% on a likely thing and 20% on a disaster.
Wash their hands after using the bathroom.
Good general advice: do not hit on people when they are at work.
“science academia is also an industry”
Fake cheese.