The carefully curated library on the tracker is a lot of effort that can be destroyed very quickly as evidenced by the fact it has happened before, yet people still use private trackers.
Pas de parenté réelle avec l’écrivain.
Bâtard d’une diaspora honnie. Ne parle pas la langue.
Procédurier chaotique.
The carefully curated library on the tracker is a lot of effort that can be destroyed very quickly as evidenced by the fact it has happened before, yet people still use private trackers.
AKA a single point of failure
I use BÉPO AFNOR and some games don’t like É instead of W, autorebind only works for me in games that actually have modern keyboard management and use key codes and/or understand Unicode, dead keys, etc. I’m better off setting the keyboard to US QWERTY
Lutris has an option to switch to US QWERTY. Also doesn’t take much effort to do manually but it’s buggy with X.org (sometimes it insists on keeping the previous layout for no reason).
ISO 20345 boots for your specific job or bust. What Americans call work boots are only good for leisure not protecting feet.
Facebook is also deep Web for most of it. Normies are the real freaks.
Classics you don’t even need to pirate there are projects trying to make whatever is public domain available with good formatting like Standard Ebooks.
Top sci-fi maybe try searching prize winners or literary critics as terms, some people have made compilations, otherwise you can make your own compilations and create torrents.
The split screen multiplayer in XIII on consoles was a lot of fun.
Usenet has many things wrong with it, NNTP is not at all designed for distributing large files, it’s for propagating messages across servers. File integrity checks have to be tacked on for instance, and the few servers still serving binaries are commercial services that are vulnerable to copyright trolls.
Charges don’t stack in France. CNIL is gutless and useless. The worst that could happen to them is a small fine.
They’re not fucked, GDPR is all nice and dandy until it comes to States oppressing people, France has been steadily building DNA files of undesirables and foreigners and they can. ARCOM (formerly HADOPI) harvests insane amounts of personal data but it’s all been made legal because it’s against piracy and piracy is evil so it’s fine. Enforcement of GDPR violations in France is a bad joke, CNIL won’t do shit. They actively conspire with advertisers to make it easier for them to data mine legally, they only fine an infinitesimal fraction of violations, and they’re extremely slow and useless.
Their official excuse is a lack of budget but when the number* of fines you levy is a few dozens even when you get hundreds of complaints about extremely basic stuff like not complying with deletion requests and websites calling Google and other US companies without needing to, the excuse wears pretty thin pretty quickly, there’s ample and very clear precedent, they just don’t care.
France has extremely powerful copyright trolls, restrictive laws, and a culture of oppression by bureaucrats. There’s even a tax on storage mediums that goes to the MAFIAA. what.cd got nuked, RealDebrid got threatened hard enough that they gave in. I wouldn’t spend any money on anything illegal hosted in France.
I have had comments removed and could never see why. Now I just block their instances.
They roleplay as communist censors since that’s all they can afford to do from their positions.
I’ve never said Spotify is any good.