Already considering using Kube, though I haven’t read much about it yet. Does it support this specific use case (making multiple servers share a single LAN IP with failover), in a way that an ordinary router can use that IP without special configuration?
I get it, and I’ve seen this response other places I’ve asked about this too. But a license agreement can just offer refunds for downtime, it doesn’t have to promise any specific amount of availability. For small, cheap, experimental subscription apps, that should be enough; it’s not like I’m planning on selling software to businesses or hosting anything that users would store critically important data in. The difference in cost between home servers and cloud hosting is MASSIVE. It’s the difference between being able to make a small profit on small monthly subscriptions, versus losing hundreds or thousands per month until subscriber numbers go up.
(also fwiw this entire plan is dependent on getting fiber internet, which should be available in my area soon; without fiber it would be impractical to run something like this from home)