Greetings from Germany. Maybe you want to skip everything that happens from now on and end this before this lunatic takes office.
On a unrelated topic: aren’t you the nation with the most guns?
Greetings from Germany. Maybe you want to skip everything that happens from now on and end this before this lunatic takes office.
On a unrelated topic: aren’t you the nation with the most guns?
We are leasing our cars.
Regarding the feel: The car does feel surprisingly light. Besides his 2.2 metric tons.
At least here in Europe, the Tesla superchargers work with the car.
Not sure if this generation is already available in the US. I am german, so BMW is a natural choice ;).
Currently, BMW is using the same base for combustion and electric cars to safe costs ans be more flexible how to fit the chassis. That may be a reason for the success.
Nor sure how the price in the US is, the list price for my nearly fully equipped i5 is around 90k€. The only thing I am missing is the pneumatic dampeners. They come only with red or blue breaks, and company policy does not allow for “racing looks”.
I just got my BMW i5. The car is provided by my employer. But I would buy it myself. It is well thought out, has a usable dashboard l, head up und so much convenient stuff.
Also, the build quality is great. Compared to the garbage provided by tesla it is a different world
Sry France, but we here in Germany need out policy to hunt cannabis consumers know that it is legal to consume!
The initial drafts proposed canabis shops and licenses. But the EU declined it. So we get the max that is currently possible. Yes that law has some strange parts, but nothing too concerning.
And if everything goes as planned, we will get shop’s in the future
But, it starts first if April not 20th of April! Amateurs
To all those “bad EU” commentators: the European regulations in this area make sense. Parents or individuals have no chance against those huge companies.
And most eu regulations helped the US citizens too. I just throw in apple and usb c
Oh no! Don’t do stonks! Look how bad they are for you!
I think some parts are just a question of perspective. I am not a GFX person. But I have friends that work in this field. One of them starter learning with gimp. And he constantly is ranting about photoshop at work. He claims the interface of PS is garbage, support for some obscure file format is not even there and so on.
So, I think it depends on what your are used to.
For the documentation: yes! And raw image support is an issue to. Mostly because of proprietary bullshit standards, but yes. This is missing.
Does this make gimp to a shit software? No
You see, I answered your question. Now, where is the answer you promised? Let me guess, you don’t have any?
The answer is simple, Gimp is the only “full featured” photoshop replacement. And the os doesn’t matter for this. There is no alternative in windows besides gimp. Apples products also fall short.
And now, why is gimp shit?
You started with “gimp is shit”, so why not provide reasons for it?
Or is this the apple vs android, coffee vs tea, stick vs automatic kind of subjective argument?
What other products on windows compete with photoshop in your opinion? I don’t get your reason>!!<
Factual reasons for this please. Besides the horrible, privacy braking, AI stuff, what can photoshop do that gimp can not?
Didn’t even see this part. Sure. Scp, a native Linux tool, has no gui. A sysadmin that can not use a console is no sysadmin. What a piece of bullshit
There us so much wrong with this article. From installing a fucking browser via flatpack, over ignoring the fact that office 365 is a thing to the fact that there are alternatives to Adobe.
Sure, not everything is perfect right now, and people have to learn new stuff.
I have migrated multiple people to fedora in the last two years. And guess what, regardless of type or age of user, they had no troubles with it to this day. They use gimp, play, have browsers with password managers, and write office documents. Yes. MS office.
Articles like this are one reason why people hesitate to make the switch. Doompainting, that’s all it is.
And what the hell are you talking about vrr? Kde, sway and hyperland support it for years now under wayland. Gnome still does not have it, but that is gnome.
And if more distributions would not per default use gnome, such misconceptions wouldn’t exist in the first place.
I get your point. But to be fair: for landlords where massive subventions in place. This program ended amd was not renewed because of lack of interest.
But at least for new buildings, a policy to force charging stations at every parking lot would be a good idea
BMW i5 driver here, no Phantom braking in 30000km Autobahn