it hasn’t been able to capitalize on the many waves of exodus and twitter controversies for over two years now
You’re making the assumption that it wants to.
The goals of Mastodon are very different from Twitter.
it hasn’t been able to capitalize on the many waves of exodus and twitter controversies for over two years now
You’re making the assumption that it wants to.
The goals of Mastodon are very different from Twitter.
Unfortunately, as much as I hate to admit it as someone who has left Chromium behind personally, Chromium is kind of the only choice.
With Mozilla’s rudderless stewardship of Firefox, I reluctantly agree with this. Firefox, and Mozilla, used to stand for something more than just a browser, but that is sadly vanishing now. Chrome is really the future and while I’m clinging on to Firefox, I will succumb in the end.
It’s very sad. I’ve been a Firefox user for so long I’ve lost count. But Mozilla has lost it’s way and I don’t see it making any noise about getting back on course.
I think having one browser engine is a very bad idea. But here we are.
I use pfSense and tried to migrate away in the past. The changes I would have had to make to setup opnsense were so significant that I gave up for to lack of time. I don’t have time luxury of downtime so I need to migrate quickly.
But if I were starting again I’d absolutely avoid the pfSense project and their childish shitty behaviour.
I do plan to buy more hardware to replace my current pfSense box and take my time to implement opnsense gradually.
You might want to include that information in your original post. You are telling people over and over that their suggestions are too expensive. You’re wasting peoples time.
Your title indicates otherwise so might be worth amending it.
I believe this is a hardware issue. Have you checked the USB options in the BIOS?
People at the Post Office and Fujitsu need to go to jail over this.
It won’t happen. They’ll get away with it. Same as ever.
That’s a pretty shitty response to somebody trying to help you.
I don’t use Zorin OS, but did you install the Firefox add-on?
I think your confusing me with somebody who cares what your view of your actions is, or what your expectations on the internet is.
All you’ve done is complain about me posting my opinion. Not the actual opinion. But that I just posted it.
If you don’t agree with me, that’s cool. But try to use a few more brain cells to make it a constructive argument that we can discuss rather than the childish bullshit you’ve posted so far.
You didn’t have to reply to my comment.
The solution to this is to create a new index (sorry web page). Job done.
Groups who abuse their position should be ignored. Without traffic their influence disappears.
Can we stop all this philosophising and just get on with enjoying it for what it is? Please?
I’m really tired of hearing everybody’s thoughts on Meta and Threads. And souls. And money. And the future. There are too many captains of the ship who want their 15 minutes of steering time. Opinions ate like assholes, everybody has one.
If you want Meta and Threads in your life, then join it or an instance that is going to federate with it. If you don’t, move to an instance that won’t. Same applies for any community that your part of. Or start your own. That’s the beauty of this.
Can we please let it rest?
You’ve moved over to another operating system and you’re expecting it to work like your previous one. That’s stupid.
Windows, Mac, BSD, VMS, Unix etc. all work their own way. Expecting them to work how you want them to is arrogant.
Before you moved you might have read up on the differences and how things work. That would be sensible.
Nobody here has any time for this nonsense. Which is why you are being down voted.
That was really interesting to read. A lot of people have been saying that Twitter had got a lot worse since ManBaby came along. Not being a user anymore I have nothing to dispute that with.
What is interesting is the companies who are arguably making it ‘worse’ (partly) are backing that statement up by saying it’s better than it was for them. Easier to do business. Easier to make money. Easier to make it worse.
I suppose that’s what happens when the owner sees moderation of this type of content as ‘censorship’.
Twitter users confuse me. Maybe they double-down on the moderation of their own bubble so it’s not quite as bad for them.
You can’t trust any of the ‘mega-corp’ so these donations will have handcuffs.
One thing not said explicitly is that the Fediverse needs a funding model and I believe it will die without one.
I know people are down voting this because of what you suggested. But I don’t think we should be afraid of taking about money and funding it. The Fediverse is not free to run, or develop, so without money coming in, it’s going to die. We shouldn’t he afraid to talk about any options of funding. Even a conversation like this, where a lot of people are against it, can lead to other ideas that are more palpable.
The goal for OSS projects is always different. Many projects solve a problem for the developer(s) and them alone. They don’t care about it ‘thriving’ or adding features that don’t align with that problem.
I find it confusing when people complain that other people won’t spend time implementing things that they want. If you want feature A, fork the project and add it. I appreciate that’s easier said than done, but if you can’t or won’t do that, stop complaining about what other people do with their time.
Not all software is the same. Get used to them being different.