“I turned around to light my cigarette and when I turned back I had lost what I had in my account” - a friend of mine
“I turned around to light my cigarette and when I turned back I had lost what I had in my account” - a friend of mine
I read somewhere that banking apps are not working on GrapheneOS. What is your experience?
For shadowsocks, nekobox is opensource and supports trojan, vmess, vless. Check vpnbook.net and openkeys.net for keys.
I have kdeconnect on my i3wm.
Look into Bufferbloat and SQM.
One way is to replace your router with a router with good SQM (smart queue management). You can find recommended router at https://www.waveform.com/tools/bufferbloat
Not for OP.
I usually use Adminer instead of phpMyAdmin.
Adminer (formerly phpMinAdmin) is a full-featured database management tool written in PHP. Conversely to phpMyAdmin, it consist of a single file ready to deploy to the target server. Adminer is available for MySQL, MariaDB, PostgreSQL, SQLite, MS SQL, Oracle, Elasticsearch, MongoDB and others via plugin
You should read the trash guide.
I didn’t use any API account (opensubtutle was still free and open to public).
These days, *arr setup (according to trash guide) and Plex pass automatically get me the subtitles.
Which UI you are using? Web or app?
I use voyager app and it has a feature “copy text”. When used, the title and body are selectable.
I used to use subliminal
command line to download subtitles.
subscene is the website I used to find (no api) if subliminal failed.
Since the coup, it (Myanmar military) has bombed schools, hospitals and displacement camps across the country, burned tens of thousands of homes, and committed widespread atrocities including torture and mass executions, according to the UN.
I have tried qutebrowser, luakit (another WebKit based vim-inspired browser) and Firefox with tridactyl.
Firefox (with vimium or vimium-c) experience is not like qutebrowser or luakit. But with tridactyl, the experience is quite similar.
Not an advice.
I once in a situation like yours. I liked both of my colleagues, one complained about the other. Long story short they got married (and still happily married). Lesson learnt, don’t pay much attention to the complaints.
The pricing depends on the DC location (and other obvious factor). The one I have is in New Jersey (have to confirm) and 3.5 USD per month.
I have a 5 USD per month VPS on Vultr.com
Thank you. Now both questions have answers.
Oh, thanks.
I am on Voyager. I think the function is not included yet.
There is [email protected]
when your fellow citizens think Facebook is the Internet,…
our country’s revolutionists use the platform for mass media communications - announcements, campaigns, etc.
well known figures earn money from the platform and it assists them in monthly expenses
so, yeah I still use the platform daily.