It sure did
It sure did
He only respects the right to his property.
I can’t wait to go to my old high school’s student art show and throw soup on alllllll the art! You know, because food.
A little of column A, and a little of column B.
Iggy Pop looks better than I remember.
I personally use 10 digits.
Android also has a Lockdown mode that will disable biometrics until you unlock with the pin.
The style is called Rubber Hose, for anyone wondering if there is a name for this style.
It’s easy to win when all your opponents tragically fall out of a window.
This thing looks exactly like every single car I drew when I was in elementary school.
We have an orange boi that does the exact same thing. Same little cat nest too.
It’s okay. I didn’t want to watch Infinity Train again anyway. 😭
Bro same! My 5th grade teacher told my parents that she thought I had ADD. My parents were too hard headed to get me checked. Now here I am, 21 years later and still a mess.
Exactly what I was thinking. Verified means absolutely nothing anymore. This is a stupid, clickbaity title.
I like how the article says “On Wednesday, Steven shared the news” I feel like this person doesn’t know who Sufjan Stevens is.
Edit: I know it’s probably just a typo. I just thought it was funny.
I think you need to replace this friend.
Really cool seeping ploopy.co expanding their offerings. I’ve wanted to get a Ploopy trackball for a while now.
One of the best mobile games of all time.
Yeah, this.