I enjoy it. Good themeparkey action-adventure-rpg. Beautiful and awesome environments. Gameplay is good enough as I’m mostly there to see the spiritual fallout from PoE2.
I enjoy it. Good themeparkey action-adventure-rpg. Beautiful and awesome environments. Gameplay is good enough as I’m mostly there to see the spiritual fallout from PoE2.
I can attest to this. May not be the sleekest but you can often sit on them with no worries. And drop them in gravel.
Something I never really got from the summaries on the research is how much training increase they looked at. And what type. I bet going fron 0 to 30 minutes a day would look different than the span 0-120.
Do you BTW have a link to the paper?
Last i saw on this is that there isn’t a 1:1 relation between increased calorie burn by increased exercise and total calorie burn. There are some but also the body diverts energy from one task to another. Still the best way to loose weight, maintaining a calorie deficit, is to eat less. Way easier said than done.
If I expect the mushrooms to release a lot of water then them first. If the mushrooms are much larger pieces than the onions then them first. Else both at the same time cause I’m lazy.
Dianthus barbatus Pic
Beans are small eggs. Beans are cheap. Therefore eggs are cheap. Eternal lord-god emperor trump fixed the egg cost. Praise be.
From old timey union fight songs (ex Workers of the world, Awaken) to protest rock. The Swedish band Nationalteatern have a great banger “Staten och Kapitalet” about that the state and the capital sit in the same boat, but it is not those who row and the whip does not lick their fat necks.
Ran a game of this. Many Nazis were fucked up and good times were had. Hitler’s blood? Tasted like stale rot.
I’ve started to appreciate myself a “little bit” more in the mirror. Not saying I’ve started noticing narcissistic tendencies. But I’m allowing it as I’m in the best shape of my life. Have I kissed my biceps goodnight? Y’all know I have.
Still decent bands out there? Oh bloody gosh there are! Let me just give you two, if not we’ll be here until dawn. There is Icelandic Misþyrming and Finnish Havukruunu. Both leaning a little bit into more atmospheric soundscapes rather than the “pure” low-fi dissonance black metal is known for. Their whole libraries are worth listening to and searches gives you quality starting points.
Even a broken clock is right twice a day…
On holiday since about an hour. Currently in bed eating Jaffa cakes. Effort level achieved!
Yet another opinion. Everything published goes into public domain, copyright only gives commercial (and public?) distribution rights
E: All of the above
Rejection of civilization’s cleanliness and order. Embracement of unrulyness, decay and clutter.
Actually not. They quickly dried, took about 5-10 minutes while walking. Sure a little bit slippery at first but somehow that soon turned into even better (sticky) grip.
Played in a creek. Didn’t take shoes off. Was awesome, can recommend.
As others have said, and that I will echo, is to find an activity to socialize around. Since you like music find local groups in that area. Perhaps a choir needs some instrumental backing or another voice. Or try something new, like pottery. I highly recommend arts and crafts. You can also hit the gym, especially if you find one focusing on classes. Through those I’ve been building a whole new social network.