Moksori’s playlists on YouTube, really great collections
Moksori’s playlists on YouTube, really great collections
PyTorch is now under the Linux Foundation AFAIK, but yes it did originate at FB
Ow i feel called out
I can suggest LogSeq as a nice alternative for Obsidian. Notes are all in Markdown too!
Obligatory XKCD What If:
I would actually bring a parallel to the device driver-firmware blob split that’s common with hardware support in Linux. While the code needed to run inference with a model is straightforward and several open source versions exist already, the model itself is a bunch of tensors whose behaviour we don’t have any visibility into. Bias is less a problem of the inference code and more an issue with the data it was trained on
If I were to guess, it would be the additional pins. USB-C PD is capable of decent power transfer while also having enough data transfer capability simultaneously. USB-C docks are a good example, seeing that you can hook up a display, charger, other USB devices, ethernet, etc and have it all go through a single cable and (compact, convenient) connector. The reversibility is an added bonus
Alright I’m probably the outlier here but… I like helping people with their IT needs, and I’ve always found the problem solving and praise kinda nice. Maybe it’s just a me thing tho
YAMPA, hmm maybe i should make that
€5 from my end, glad to be able to donate after years of use :D
Trivago? Hotelikely.
Did a quick search and yep, it was a collection of rubidium atoms