Nobody’s business that I’ve got nothing to hide.
Quick addition: ‘Pups’ means ‘fart’ in German. A word used by and around children. Or if you have enjoyed an education.
Ah, a fellow Alec connoisseur!
‘Midnight Mass’ somehow completely went under my radar first, but DAMN, that was a great mini series!
Assassin’s Greed
‘This door can NOT be opened!’
Yes. When shit hits the fan, they are there to protect the company, not you. HR is the enemy, disguised as your friend.
The Last of the Mohicans Once heard, you cannot escape its beauty.
Same here. Fortunately it’s PVE and I enjoyed it even more than the story campaign.
Have you tried Conquest Mode? Changes up things a bit and is definitely my highlight of the game.
For Kislev!
Makes me want to watch ‘Blood Diamond’ again.
Oh noes, those were perfectly fine!
Thanks so much for all the tips! Sounds like I’ll have to give Stellaris a go, when the next Sale drops.
Bannerlords 2 and the others you all mentioned, sound really interesting, too! Damn, the next Sale’s gonna kill me financially and socially.
It’s not the heat that kills me. It’s mostly the added humidity. (Germany)
Static X - Get to the Gone
Cradle of Filth - Gilded C**t
Ektomorf - Show Your Fist
Wednesday 13 - Mr Motherf****r
Dope - Die MF Die
Sorry, I couldn’t decide.
I jumped and got me Arma Reforger for PC. I found a small and nice little community of like minded people to play with and am having a ton of fun. So glad I gave that game a second chance.