I love linux.
That’s a really cool project. I like your blog I’m going to bookmark it and subscribe to it. You seem really smart. I’ve been trying to dev and make projects work of mine for years with no luck (battle depression), but always happy to see people make awesome things and launch them. Will show all the love and support I can.
Oh wow! Awesome to find the real ones out there that aren’t mad popular. They deserve all the love too.
I never thought of that, and that’s actually really cool. thank you!
I suggest Manjaro. Debian’s always 5 versions behind, and Ubuntu’s ‘selling security’ - Fedora’s good though.
And dancing desktop buddies with 350 tray icons.
It’s not as hard as you’d think. https://github.com/tycrek/degoogle - This has everything you need. Definitely use Firefox. Check out Nextcloud for personal cloud/documents replacement etc. Definitely try a small PC hooked to your TV and look in to plex. Don’t use Google/Bing, stick with DuckDuckGo and if you need to, use !g or !b in your searched on ddg to get bing and google results. It’s fun exploring all the alternatives in the list.
For self-hosting, be mindful IP addresses have reputation scores and your IP needs to build them up positively. You need to have reverse DNS set, DKIM, SPF records etc for a more trusted reputation, domain reputation etc to not be flagged and sent to spam folders. I just got the $1/month Proton E-Mail for 10 addresses for 1 custom domain as I didn’t feel like dealing with any of this with self hosting, but props for going the self-hosting route.