Is it like hungryphrog’s thing about Sandpaper or the sand-on-your-wet-skin-at-the-beach thing? Or is it like hungryphrog’s Coat thing?
I have questions.
Pants - Do you also not like wearing any shorts? If you don’t have any problems wearing shorts, then how long does a short have to be to stop being a short and start annoying you?
Porridge - What about macaroni or chilli ? Do you know that jelly thing with bits of fruit chunks in it? What about that? What happens if your cereal gets too soggy?
Coats - Do you live in a warm/humid region? How do you cope with winters when it gets cold? Does a sweater feel different than a coat?
I’m with you on the sand-on-your-wet-skin-at-the-beach thing.
Sandpaper is supposed to be irritating. But is there any correlation between your thing against Sandpaper & the sand-on-your-wet-skin-at-the-beach thing?
Dry skin? Is it because it reminds you of Sandpaper or sand-on-your-wet-skin-at-the-beach ?
Dry clay - again, is it correlated to the sand-on-your-wet-skin-at-the-beach thing ?
Plastic things? Like plastic things just existing & minding their own business or plastic things that touch your skin or the ones that you’re in contact with? What about the kind used in hospitals for IV fluids? Or the so-called BPA free that is used in takeaway containers or food storage?
Body hair touching you - WHOSE body hair? Your own body hair or somebody else’s body hair? Does it remind you of wearing a coat? What do you do when you are trying to get physically intimate with someone? Do you avoid the hairy body parts? Aren’t they the most fun?
Tight sleeves around the armpits - yeah, I can imagine that. Now I don’t want to imagine it anymore.
Neon colours? - okay. To each their own.
Yes, people using those bright lights should have Gorilla Glue put in their eyes.
Flashing lights - Do you also not like the small twinkling fairy lights? What about blinking festival lights? Do you also not like any flashing traffic lights? Do you ignore flashing traffic lights?
Eating or chewing loudly is a sign that you were not loved as a child. I’m with you on this.
Beeping sounds - what do you plan to do when you have to be in a hospital? Say you have to visit the dentist & there are beeping sounds from their machines, you’ll have to bear the beeping sounds along with your toothache.
Dude’s getting 3hrs more than anybody on the planet but is yet to take over the world. My 9th grade was wrong when she said even the richest man in the world gets the same 24hrs as everybody else. Stop lying, Ms. Dorene.
He was a gay porn star. Gay Mafia & the gay secret agent were his two super hit plots.
You answered the first part of the question.
Do you regret giving up on it or are you still hunting? We need answers, tell us, smotherpucker.
I know it’s old, but I still cannot believe it’s the same woman in every panel. Girl looks like a different person in each pic.
I was considering you an outlier. Turns out you aren’t.