Longshoreman overtime is ass-backwards though. They clock crazy high OT and do shit like sleep on the clock and they get any shifts outside normal business hours counted as OT. The average pay is well over $100k iirc
They’re also super insular and basically the only way to get a job with them is to be a family member of someone who’s retiring.
I like unions but the ILA is basically a front for the mob. Their leader literally got involved in a ton of RICO charges that didn’t stick because a key witness mysteriously turned up dead in a trunk.
Also part of the reason they’re so insistent on paper records and refusing automation is so they can traffick humans, illegal goods, and steal stuff.
Come on man I don’t like google either, but SEO exploitation has been a cat and mouse game since search engines were invented. They’re all varying levels of suck the last few years. It’s not an easy problem to solve, and AI has made it far more difficult.