3 months ago100% did. Nuked it; tried to apologize, different interfaces are weird.
100% did. Nuked it; tried to apologize, different interfaces are weird.
How the hell does this have this many upvotes?
Fuck these people - they are objectively awful, and every single one of them should be on trial - but no, burning the whole planet down to spite these fuckers is not even in the ballpark of reasonable.
Sorry, refreshed and replied to the wrong comment.
Yep. Fuck everyone that bothered to vote against the fascists. Fuck everyone in a blue spot in red states that voted against the other idiots around them.
Or - maybe we realize that people should actually bother to vote even if they have to vote for a candidate that doesn’t align 100% with their values.
Plexamp is phenomenal. To my knowledge, Jellyfin doesn’t have anything remotely comparable.