I know he’ll prove those guys wrong some day
I know he’ll prove those guys wrong some day
I don’t doubt it. it would be cool and inspiring to help this became a whole movement. I’ll have to protest from inside though until the weather stops being frostbite-inducing (hopefully soon)
I wish my dad were this cool
could we be doing this for more than one day? it’s barely even a protest if it’s just on one day.
reminds me of how my dad would go “quit flapping” whenever I stimmed. it’s taken me a while to feel comfortable with flapping my hands again.
I’m the same way after I got into countless arguments with grown adults on deviantart when I was 13 or some shit 💀
I especially like when people do this in the snow and make big holes that I can easily step into
Not necessarily, no
I’m always scared of sounding pretentious when I say [d ae dx ax] for some reason, so I generally settle with [d ey dx ax]
Probably all the times I went to Spirit Halloween growing up. I really loved all the squishy gross-out toys, like creepy crawlies and rats.
Yay, new friend!
At first, I was bewildered and a bit scared, but then I saw the Adult Swim logo and remembered that’s pretty standard for them.
Yeah, I get that. We have a really good family-owned place that my boyfriend and I like to go to.
I’ve never been to one since I’ve never been to the south. How’s the food?
I’m scared D:
I don’t want to grow up either, but I’m already 20 :(
I haven’t gotten to that point yet, but I might soon.
I wanna pause time right now and try getting 30 more minutes of sleep in. I can dream all I want…
Wait, can’t those blind you? I wouldn’t want to get a bunch of pretty ink in my cornea just for that to happen.
this is why I always remember to get my flu shots, and I’m 21. the odds of me dying from the flu are low, but never zero