For those wondering, that’s apparently called a masonry stove, specifically a tiled stove. These were pretty common where I’m at and people still sometimes keep them for decorative purposes.
For those wondering, that’s apparently called a masonry stove, specifically a tiled stove. These were pretty common where I’m at and people still sometimes keep them for decorative purposes.
As much as I understand us military, they are required to follow all orders (like any military, really) except orders that are illegal.
So, if Trump ordered an invasion of Greenland, the military should refuse that order, unless that order also comes with an act of congress declaring war on Greenland. However, Nixon bombed Cambodia without a declaration of war, so I don’t know.
If they have any balls left, they’d just release it anyway and have Biden pardon them.
I don’t think they’ll do it, but they should.
I don’t get it. Can you explain please?
What happened with the electricity thing an self driving cars?
Croatian “Ovce i novce” - literally sheep and the money. Same meaning as have your cake and eat it. “Kašika mu u med pala” - spoon fell into honey, meaning he got lucky “Tako ti je grah pao” - this is the way beans fell, meaning it is what it is “Izvukao si deblji kraj” - you got the fatter end, opposite meaning from you got the shorter end. It’s kind of a weird one, as it is also sometimes used to mean the same as the shorter end. “Da ti dupe puta vidi” - so your behind can see the trip. Meaning to travel for no special reason, usually used when a reason is given, but is probably just an excuse to travel
Yes, also, mice are obviously female.
In my first year of high school I had Latin, which I hated with a passion. Before, I thought that it would boil down to learning some common words and sayings and proverbs, but no. It was learning latin as a foreign language. I don’t think I was taught anything remotely as useless as that. And I really don’t like the teacher and she didn’t like me and it was truly awful and I hated every second of it. It was so awful that I had nightmares about it, even years after high school.
A couple (two I think) of years after that latin studies I saw the Life of Brian for the first time. I didn’t know what I was going to see, so when the “romanus eunt domus” scene came. It wasn’t just hilariously funny it was also cathartic.
So I’d say that. I remember that sketch almost by heart since the first time I saw it.