Thank you for being one person in this thread that actually read and understood my comment.
A bunch of comments repeating “Signal is the most secure because I said so” was not helpful.
Thank you for being one person in this thread that actually read and understood my comment.
A bunch of comments repeating “Signal is the most secure because I said so” was not helpful.
Sure, buddy.
Maybe you should read the comments you’re replying to first.
If you can’t do that much then maybe you just shouldn’t comment at all.
I’ll simplify it for you:
Discussion quality on Lemmy starts looking like Reddit now.
Almost feels like home…
OK, and how is that different from the other chats?
You do know that at least Signal and Matrix use pretty much the same crypto, right?
And Matrix can be self-hosted, so I don’t need to worry about what they can see anyway.
On this point alone Matrix appears more secure than Signal…
And Threema is Switzerland-based, so by default it’s more trustful than a USA-based company.
Signal is the most secure
[citation needed]
It also gets some free publicity by claiming to be federated/decentralized without the user having to make any actual choices in regards to a server (because there isn’t really any choice).
It’d be funny if the other companies caught in the crossfire now sued those LaLiga assholes for blocking their services.
This sounds like FUD. Do you have a source for that?
Before that, they claimed they were simply too insignificant to even be eligible for VAT.
How is this FUD when you just said they admitted to it?
Exemptions vary by country, but often they only apply to small businesses.
Often there’s no right to any exemptions anyway if your company isn’t headquartered in the country (and Kagi is from USA).
Either way you only have to pay VAT on transactions made after you go over the limit, while Kagi admitted they have to settle unpaid taxes.
This situation can only happen if they didn’t pay the taxes they already legally owed.
Kagi will have to retroactively pay for all sales tax/VAT that we did not collect in the last almost two years. We have chosen to absorb this on behalf of our customers.
They tried to make themselves look like the good guys, while in reality they just paid back their overdue taxes they were required to collect all this time.
Not knowing the tax rules is not an excuse.
If they wanna do business internationally they can afford to hire an accountant.
Information on this is extremely intransparent however, so this might be wrong.
It’s not “extremely intransparent”, it’s just a little complicated.
And accountants are really cheap for small businesses.
I also liked the part where they decided they don’t need to pay the VAT.
I thought coups are generally illegal and involve a military action.
This just looks like a legally elected politician doing exactly what he promised.
It may not be good things, but none of that was unexpected.
Calling that Hitman bullshit “confusing” is way too charitable.
Not too long ago Steam listed something called “Hitman 3” (they changed it now).
Imagine my surprise when it turned out to include only the game launcher, without any actual content that could be reasonably called “Hitman 3”. If you tried to start a mission they redirected you to buy it first…
Thank god for the refunds…
I was in a similar situation, I just told them I’m cancelling the account when they added the extra charge for extra users, and they’re free to make their own account if they want.
There was a bit of complaining, but it turns out no one missed Netflix enough to come back.
I mean… when did it stop being huge?
It’s just back to business as usual.
It’s going to be really difficult in a standard setup.
If you really care maybe try something like Tails.
Holy shit, this company is based in France and they’re publicly doxxing their users in the replies.
I don’t even know what to say, under GDPR they’re extra fucked now.
I never really compared the source to the converted mobi, but overall I can’t really complain.
Usually if the formatting is a little screwed up I assume it’s the source’s fault. :)
Almost every book I read nowadays is an epub converted to mobi.
Honestly, the bigger issue I have is the inability to put the sideloaded books into a series “folder”.
Instead I had to set Calibre to add “<series> <number> <book title>” string to the book tile in the metadata. :/
Pretty well written post.
On Kindle and epub: it’s pretty annoying, but once you set up Calibre to automatically convert on sending to device, it’s effortless.
These volunteers didn’t think about it in these terms.
They gave away their work for free to help people learn languages, and for a long time Duolingo seemed like the best platform for that.
Starting your own platform is much more difficult than contributing to an existing one that seems to be operated with some amount of goodwill…
That website actually promotes Firefox, you know. Not sure it fits this thread.