I got like 100 sites like 9 anime … They all source their anime and manga from like 5-6 sources … I have so many cos I like trying out new UIs and many of them are quite creative with their website design (I use UBO so no ads or popups tho)
I got like 100 sites like 9 anime … They all source their anime and manga from like 5-6 sources … I have so many cos I like trying out new UIs and many of them are quite creative with their website design (I use UBO so no ads or popups tho)
yes completely agree with you brother , i wish there was a paltform where everyone could have a respectable discussion without trolls or extremism…where people from every background could freely share their views and have a civil discussion … mf the old internet is dead
imo zlib is much better but they keep changing their domain … also sci hub is only for research papers which most people can understand
not organised well tho
yes typing error
instead of using a password manager managed by a PRIVATE ENTITY people should start using bitwarden … its opensource, free and much more secure and reliable
nice, do you know other such websites but about topics other than vintage cars … i think our internet today has become too boring as most people just visit the same 5 to 6 sites (YouTube , reddit , wiki , insta , twitter , and twitch) and call it a day … websites like these make me curious about the days when we had separate websites like these for such niche content
you can read pretty much (except the lost media like those lost in library burnings , film destruction and wars) read any book written by humans since 2500 bce (example Rig Veda the first ved of Hinduism was written even before 2500 and is today said to be 98% at its original state thanks to Indian gurus and saints who passed it on orally and was made into a book only after 8th century) , watch any movie ever released , hear any music ever made after recording was invented .
ofcourse there is a catch that these medias are not freely and publicly available and most you have to pirate in order to consume it thus we need to have a centralised database of these things safely kept somewhere so that we don’t have to reinvent the wheel in case of a catastrophic event .
People who write on reddit dont produce the info themselves instead they would have also reffered to some book / article (mostly articles) thus reading the articles will give you more info about the topic … just remember before reading the blog/article see the author and his/her qualification , most articles give a brief info about the writer at the top … just make sure that person is genuinely knowledgeable on the topic … also avoid AI written articles
Piraming 💀