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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: May 28th, 2024


  • I mean when I was a kid in the late 80s/early 90s on weekends my parents generally had no clue where I was as long as I was home by dinner. and if I wasn’t going to be home by dinner then to call and say so. payphones were everywhere, just call and let them know.

    I mean hell I remember one time my friends and I were in some store a good 5 miles away from home and my parents happened to be shopping there at the same time. my mom comes up to me and says “I saw a tshirt you might like, do you want it?” and showed me the shirt and I said sure and that was it “see you later tonight”.

  • So Star Trek Online is an MMORPG and has been around for a several years now. In the game there’s a story, a convoluted one, but a story none the less.

    Now imagine every single thing that has ever happened in the entirety of Star Trek regardless of tv show, movie, timeline, multiverse, animated show, whatever. everything. think of everything that has ever had “Star Trek” in it’s title. got it? good. it’s in the game. and in the story.

    One aspect is the mirror universe which is a decent chunk of the story and it’s a good excuse to bring back old Star Trek actors whose characters might be dead. Like there’s A LOT of mirror universe stuff in the game.

    really at the end of the day Star Trek Online is essentially the multiverse nexus of all Star Trek.

  • appreciate what you have now. take your time, you have tmie right now, don’t worry about finding your dream situation in live be it work, love, living, whatever just experience life. you’re young, you hopefully have some money, so experience it if you can. If you’re going to drink, do it now cause when you hit my age hangovers last 2 days and after one or two beers you’re pissing up a storm.

    Don’t complain about a week taking forever and you hope the weekend comes soon because once you hit your 40s all that “time” snowballs together and you’ll be begging the days to go by slower. Things start speeding up and people start leaving you and you have no choice but to go along for the ride and hope for the best. You’re still in your 20s, cherish the time you have. hold onto it. apprecaite it. Take as many photos as you can, take as many videos as you can and save them. Friends and lovers will come and go but those memories from your 20s will last forever. make it easy to remember them.

  • I work with the homeless. the main misconception is that they’re all either addicts or mentally ill. This is far, far, from true. The ones you see daily, chances are they are addicts or mentally ill but the “hidden” homeless vastly out weighs the ones you see on the streets.

    Most have jobs or are actively looking for work. A lot are escaping domestic abuse or are LGBTQ+ and escaping hostile home environments. There are A LOT of families and elderly people who simply can’t afford to keep a roof over their heads.

  • Too late. Guy could literally peel over next week and they’d be screwed. He should have never agreed to or have been allowed to run a second term and IF he does get elected for a second term I guarantee you he doesn’t survive it. not from some nafarious plot or what have you but simply due to…well…look at him.

    But I got no dog in this fight. I’m in Canada. and although my elderly parents live in the US and I do worry about them with this election there’s nothing I can do. It’s like watching an oncoming ship wreck and you’re just screaming at the passangers (US citizens) to get off the boat, get on the life boats, save themselves while you stand on land not being able to do anything but watch. I imagine the rest of the world feels the same way.

    I mean i’m worried for you guys, like truly worried.