L’esprit de l’escalier, should’ve said 1.21 jiggawatt flux capacitor
I wanted to exaggerate for comedic purposes, I had 500MW written initially 😄
I wonder if would you get your electricity cut off if you plugged in a 750kW industrial oil drill in your backyard
Man, and I think I’m pathetic because I don’t meal prep 2 weeks in advance and have my house sparkling clean and tidy all the time…
It’s really tough to get your attention span back, especially if you have an attention disorder. I know that for me it’s so easy to fall back into old habits (like I’m doing now) if life is not going exactly perfectly, cause I just get tired and doing anything else is just too much effort that I already exhaust at work and chores.
I wish you luck in trying to move away from screens, or if you stay on screens, that the time is spent on more memorable activities - movies, TV shows, educational content, documentaries etc.
I love how it’s been days since that rumor has been debunked and yet people still bring it up like it has any factual value. I want to hear the actual bad things JD Vance did, and not a imagined reality.
Yeah but he was being pedantic over the word “impossibly”. If we can make 1 atom thin sheets, then it’s not impossible, right?
I’d say not really, since you put handcuffs on the wrists, but you can still move them (even if slightly) and make the 🤌 motion.
On the surface it is true, but in reality all of those things came at the expense of people’s liberty and the people themselves - they jailed or killed anyone that didn’t agree with or was seen as an enemy of the state, resources were actually incredibly scarce and there was a lot of famine (just in the less important parts of the empire), nobody trusted anyone and people kept stealing things for themselves anyway. Oh also child labor and many many more things like that.
Like I understand the good part of communism, but oh God is the USSR the worst possible example of that, they didn’t even have real communism anyway.
Why is there a terms of service for visiting that website?..
It’s a bit fascist to force people to do what you think is right, no?
Orrr it’s because a lot of people don’t care about E2EE and just want their files to be backed up. Can we stop demonizing every single IT company ever for anything they do?
Yeah but not all people live on American soil…
Unfortunately that appears to be much less than 3.5%
I couldn’t find any reasonable statistics or survey data talking about whether people prefer cars or other modes of transport and why, but the general theme amongst Gen Z in particular is ecological awareness and sustainability, so it wouldn’t make sense for a lot of those people to drive cars just because they prefer the car itself, other than being able to get around places quickly or feeling safe on the street etc.
It’s half man, half bear and half pig!
Yeah, there are clueless people everywhere, but I’m still glad that it’s easy to get generic medicine.
To be fair, you cannot force people to buy generic, let people make their own, though preferably informed, decisions.
ITT: Americans who can’t fathom generic medicine names
Tylenol isn’t the medicine, paracetamol is. I love having grown up in a European country which mandates pharmacies to very clearly inform you, not just in some fuck ass place, but repeat to you 3 times, that there is a cheaper generic version which does the same thing.
Addendum: Today was also my first ever message received via RCS. I know the person through WhatsApp, but he messaged me via, just, phone number. I have an Android, but what does he have? I dunno, but it works, and it’s awesome. I sent text, image, audio, video, read receipts with a device whose corporation is probably competing with the one of my phone.
Ahh, this is what the engineers had imagined 50+ years ago, and we’re living it.