to be fair, it’d be fucked up if they did have a plan: it’s not their country, and they kept saying “2 state solution”, so their plan was to sit down with israel and palestinians and hammer out a mutually agreeable situation… anything more would just be making choices without consulting palestinians and that never works out for anyone
perhaps, but you’ve got to admit that we’ve been living in the most peaceful time in history. superpowers mean sure they get a lot of control, but they also provide a lot of security… it’s a shitty arrangement, but i’m not sure that the alternative is better: with lots of small powers, those countries tend to feel a lot more empowered to encroach on others’ territory
perhaps alliances help that, but i’d argue that kinda leads to a cold war situation where you get “spheres of influence” and that’s kinda like superpowers anyway, but you get a whole group of countries being drawn into conflicts that a belligerent ally starts