Bio et AOP : Pseudo, votre utilisateur français préféré !
Fortunatly not the most useful kind of english. But today I’m a bit more educated.
Thanks for clearing this up. I definitely not understood what they were saying.
Idk my self. I really cannot figuring out what these people are cheering for. (They are cheering? Right?)
I ask because my english doesn’t include whatever these Guy says but… Is it alcohol apology?
Is being valedictorian a proof of financial situation? Genuine question.
Can we talk about these teeth?
You should crosspost then (^_^)
Truly a beautiful creature!
Oh! I see. He midunderstood “no worries” with “No! Worry!”…
It doesn’t seems very appealing.
So what is it? Is it beer? Another fermented beverage? Is it soda?
Wait… I don’t get it either. He refuse the day off?
I’m out of the loop. Who’s dead?
What kind of pants is that and where can I bought the same?
I mean, I always thought of OP as someone in the Lemmy’s loop. I guess it doesn’t know everything…
A was never able to do it correctly :(