As someone who does VR in flight sims on one of the least optimized games (DCS) I can see the allure. Aside from that one niche though, I can’t think of many uses for a 90 series card though
As someone who does VR in flight sims on one of the least optimized games (DCS) I can see the allure. Aside from that one niche though, I can’t think of many uses for a 90 series card though
Let me know if that helps! I hope so since it was a pain for me that nobody suggested. I got frustrated with that one enough that I got a p1s but still decided to tear down the entire enter and put it together to see if it fixed the issue (it did) so I could give it to my buddy
If it’s a band one thing you can check is if the build plate is sufficiently torqued down. I spent ages chasing down a weird z issue, to the point where I converted my ender 3 z axis to being belt driven, and would still get really weird bands at certain heights. Turns out the bed was ever so slightly loose and at certain z heights would go into a tiny resonance frequency causing bands in the z axis. I’m not too familiar with the a1, but it’s a possibility that no matter what I researched I never saw mentioned
That’s for sure, I converted my ender into a belt driven z axis. Lots of tinkering lol.
Stalker 2 was a straight fucking banger. Sunk 70 hours into it with my first play through and I’m already craving another run. I swear I’m probably the only person who’s played through the campaign with only like 3 bugs in 70 hours
Honestly, bambu. I was real high and mighty about how much shilling/marketing of bambus there was when they were coming out and hated the non open source but I caved and bought one after a handful of my friends got theirs. In 4 years of owning an ender 3 I went through 6 spools of pla and a half spool of abs. After getting my p1s 3 months ago I’ve already gone through 13 spools of pla. Tinkering with the ender was fun but I’d only print things I absolutely needed like replacement parts I modeled, and while I still print those on the bambu, I find myself printing trinkets very often since I don’t have to spend ages maintaining and tinkering with it to get it to print well. I might sound like an ad but honestly I’d say stay away from ender, my personal experience was 3d printers became my hobby, rather than using 3d printing to assist in my other hobbies. I can’t speak to the sv06 and if it’s as hands off as Bambu, though, so that could be an option. But as a former ender lover ($100 printer was great) it’s just so nice to not have to worry about tinkering.
There’s literally dozens of us! I for one loved far cry 5. 6 I really didn’t like because of the whole home built attachments/guns stuff since I’m a gun nerd and love using real guns and sights in games. Definitely not crazy about this news.
Yeah, I was very heavily into the game, playing for at least a bit every day, once the whole fiasco started I immediately stopped playing it. Some of my buddies mentioned they got rid of the requirement after that and that I should play again but honestly I don’t have any desire to touch the game after that rug pull.
Kerbal Space program (1800.8) DCS world (1172.2) Witcher 3 (1131.5) Sims 4 (838.2) Stardew Valley (579.3)
I just wish ksp2 wasn’t a massive flop and I eagerly await KSA.
If only flight sims and peripherals worked on Linux It’s been the one think keeping me back.
It’s always worth a shot. Every piece of research I did on watermelon wine said it’ll taste like cucumber at best and rotten carrot at worst. I can happily confirm that it didn’t deter me and I gave it a shot, it ended up being one of my favorite things I fermented and tasted like candied watermelon that wasn’t artificial
After KSP2 I promised myself I would never do Early Access or preorder again. However, I made an exception for this. Love the stalker series and I’ve both preordered it and took the entire week off of work. You can say I’m definitely hyped lol
Saw the news on their YouTube. Looked it up thinking it was satire and sure as shit it’s not. Probably the fastest I’ve ever purchased merch ever. Gonna love wearing my onion shirt, always loved them but this was the point I needed to send them some money because this is hilarious.
It’s such a great game. I will say though, the woman’s lot DLC that gets started when you ask Theresa about the story is a bit of a slog… it’s an alright story but I’d definitely make a save before starting it if you’re not a fan of its flow and tediousness lol
This actually kinda reminds me of PointCtrl used in VR mouse control for flight sims. It may look uncomfortable but if it works similar to it it’s actually incredibly intuitive to use
Yup, similar boat but with planes instead of cars. Most inputs Linux can support on a single usb device is 86 or so, my throttle alone has well over 150 buttons on it. Add in all the stuff for my sim cockpit (probably around 1000 buttons), my haptic feedback chair, and then VR… as much as I’d like to use Linux, I don’t think it’d be possible for the foreseeable future for me to switch.
Ah man that’s a shame. I appreciate the heads up! I guess for now I’ll have to stick with windows unfortunately
One thing I’d like to ask, as someone also starting to get fed up with windows. I know there’s proton and all but how does Linux work with VR? I have an index and nvidia card, and most of my VR is playing digital combat sim (DCS) but I do enjoy playing actual VR games from time to time. Is Linux still decent with those? Or do I have to stick with windows?
Yep, same here, I moved cities while being fully remote, anyone within 50 miles of an office has to go in and it seems there’s an office in my new city less than 50 miles away. My whole team is in a different city, which if I was still there I’d go in. I didn’t go in once since the start of the new policy 3 months ago, ended up getting called out on it by our director. Literally three days later I told my team I was leaving since my old company (which is fully remote) offered me a job when I reached out lol
I’ve got about 15 hours into it so far (played from when it released into the wee hours of the morning) and the only bugs I came across so far was I’ve seen one person gliding across the ground instead of walking. IMO, this game is an absolute banger and masterpiece. Definitely a breath of fresh air to have a game work out of the box on the first minute