Ubuntu still ships desktop icons on gnome, ding is a pretty good extension for it
Ubuntu still ships desktop icons on gnome, ding is a pretty good extension for it
Tbh I’ve always wanted to do this
while I still use ohmyzsh, a lot of it’s opponents make it’s slowness one of its complaints. You don’t need ohmyzsh to have fancy things, it’s just makes setting it all up a little easier.
Try out zram instead of the SD card swap
Switch out the swap file for zram
They probably won’t replace it past warranty but it’s always worth a shot
They don’t fit in my mini fridge like normal cans do either
America’s basically never had public utilities to begin with. If you’re not at the whims of the electric company, you’re at the whims of the gas company. Which is sometimes the same one.
Looks nice, what’s the advantage over something like rofi?
It’s not just startup time, it’s startup time with heavy background I/O
Os on the fastest drive, one large partition + efi partition unless you have a need for separate /boot.
I use /boot on ext4 and / on btrfs with /home being a separate subvolume.
/boot is ext4 because grub has issues booting to btrfs when using ubiquity auto installer. Why? I do not know.
I get better compression ratio with xz than zstd, both at highest. When building an Ubuntu squashFS
Zstd is way faster though
Nothing worse than websites that fool you into thinking they have a mobile friendly website but turns out it’s super restrictive and they force you to down the app to actually do anything.
Similarly I hate that everything requires an app when a webpage works absolutely fine.
Nothing more infuriating than sites that have a fully (or half) working mobile version but then force you to use the app (stars eyes at reddit)
Dracula for shell/wm theme and papirus-dark for icons
Kubuntu with the ubiquity installer will install onto btrfs. Flatpack is easy to add.
Add in system76 scheduler and an up to date kernel like xanmod and youve got 90% of what gaming distros will do.
If you’re using flatpak you don’t have to worry that the host system has old mesa.
This sort of setup is probably trivial to do in arch as well.